4 Supplements for Your Daily Routine to Boost Your Energy

Take back Control of Your Energy Levels

Do you struggle with feeling tired, even after a good night’s rest?

Do you grab caffeine first thing in the morning, knowing you’ll need it to reach noon?

Do you often feel that afternoon ‘crash’?

Do you find yourself struggling more and more to feel refreshed?

Too many struggle with diminished energy, sluggish feelings, and that afternoon dip. But, did you know, your tired feeling can be improved through simple additions to your everyday routine?

Say goodbye to the energy drinks.

No more quad espressos here.

Feel like yourself again — refreshed and recharged.

Below we’ll break down 4 additions to your daily routine that will boost your energy levels, fuel your body, and heighten your immune function.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a common one you have most likely heard of. This vitamin is a main component in most of your body’s functions.

Many associate Vitamin C Supplements with immune function, healing, and skin health. But, did you know Vitamin C is a major contributor to your overall energy levels?

Yes — you heard that right!

The vitamin boosts immune function. When your body’s immune system is operating at its best, it helps you rid yourself of harmful bacteria and viruses. By doing this, it’s keeping you and your body at their best — resulting in that healthy, energetic feeling.

In addition to this, it has been known to improve cognitive function. Helping you think and perform at a high level.

Aside from the benefits mentioned above, Vitamin C is also known to:

— Aid in better absorption of iron

— Help your body make collagen (a vital protein in charge of skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and so on)

— Help reduce seasonal allergies

And much more.

Now, we’re sure you’re asking yourself how you can get these Vitamin C Benefits.

The answer to that is simple.

Seek out Vitamin C-rich foods and add in a natural supplement, plentiful in Vitamin C.

Below we have added a list of our favorite ways for you to get the Vitamin C your body needs.

Citrus and Fruits

One way to incorporate more Vitamin C into your routine is through food. Seek out citruses like oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits. Other fruits also have high levels, including strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries. Some vegetables are also known to contain Vitamin C, naturally. These would be vegetables like broccoli, kale, spinach, and cauliflower.

Now, we understand that you would have to eat an abundance of these types of food to see the benefits of Vitamin C.

An easier way to get the benefits of this mineral?

Add a daily supplement to your routine.


Adding supplements to your daily routine can benefit you greatly. They help make up for the areas in your diet where you don’t get quite enough vitamins, minerals, or enzymes.

The best ones for your body will be natural, organically-made supplements. These are often derived from real food, fruits, and ingredients in nature. Therefore, they absorb better into your system. They provide you with real-life benefits and give you a conscious peace of mind.

Our favorite? Acerola Cherry Powder

This nutrient-dense, Raw Acerola Powder, is packed FULL of living enzymes and Bioavailable Vitamin C. Grown in the dense Rainforest of the Amazon, this powder is as close to nature as you will get.

In addition to its energy and immune-boosting minerals, it also contains Potassium, Fiber, Riboflavin, Folate, and Magnesium. Making it a solid, all-around choice for your daily needs.

Delicious enough to mix into your morning H2O, smoothies, or (our personal favorite) mixed into a bowl of Greek yogurt with fresh berries on top. Did someone say YUM?!

Now that we’ve covered Vitamin C, let’s move on to the next energy booster.

Vitamin D-3

Another vitamin that’s important in your arsenal of energy is Vitamin D-3. Many know it as the ‘sunshine vitamin’.

Similarly to Vitamin C, Vitamin D-3 is also a main component in immune function. Through its immune-strengthening properties, it also aids in energy levels.

In addition to the immunity factor, this vitamin is a key contributor to your overall mood. Vitamin D-3 supports brain activity and controls optimal serotonin and dopamine levels. This leads to better sleep, better mood, and overall better quality of life.

Just like most vitamins, Vitamin D-3 contributes to other factors in your body such as:

— Bone Health

— Cardiovascular Function

— Muscle and Nerve Function

— Anti-Inflammatory Processes

And smaller additions here and there.

How can you get your daily dose of Vitamin D-3?


Yes — sunshine.

Seems simple right? It sure is!

Exposure to sunlight (UVB rays) kicks off a chemical process within your body. Through this process, Vitamin D-3 is produced.

This is a great way to boost Vitamin D-3 and overall energy levels. That’s if you are an outdoorsy person or have the time to spend in the sun each day.

Now, for those of us who don’t have the free time to bask in the sunshine, there are simpler alternatives.

Yes, you guessed it.

Vitamin D Supplements

Vitamin D-3 is unfortunately more difficult to manage through food alone.

There are many options on the supplement market for boosting levels of D-3 in your system.

Key items to look for when picking out one that’s right for you.

— Naturally Sourced

— Organically Made

— Simple Ingredients

— Little (to no) fillers

And always choose a brand you can trust.

Take Optimally Organic for example. Family-driven, sustainable, and dedicated to producing the world’s most natural, pure remedies for YOUR every need.

What could be better than that?

Now, onto the next one.

Probiotics and Enzymes

This one may have caught you off guard — and that’s okay!

Living enzymes and probiotics aren’t always first to mind when thinking of energy levels. That couldn’t be more wrong.

When you are on top of your digestion and immune function, you feel your best — right?

That’s where these two come in. Living enzymes and probiotics are catalysts for your digestive system.

When functioning at its best, your digestive system can absorb all of the food, nutrients, and supplements you provide it with.

At its worst, you’ll be watching your hard efforts and money flush down the drain, leaving you with the same lack of energy you had before.

How do you fix this?

You support your digestive system through digestive enzymes, pre-biotics, and pro-biotics. The key is to ensure these tiny heroes are LIVING versions when you absorb them. That is how you will receive the most benefits.

What are your options?

Enzyme and Probiotic-Rich Food

As we mentioned earlier, the first step in the right direction is to always incorporate more powerful foods into your diet.

Foods that are rich in the right digestive enzymes, prebiotics, and probiotics are:

— Fermented Foods (Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Kombucha)

— Yogurt (preferably Greek or ones with less added sugar)

— Kefir

These are going to be a surefire way to incorporate more digestive-rich foods into your routine.

However, relying on only these foods to hit your goals isn’t always sustainable.

I’m sure you know where this is going by now.

Probiotic and Digestive Enzyme Supplements

By now, you’re probably saying “There’s a supplement for everything, isn’t there?”

Technically yes — but not all of them are considered equal. And even more so, not all are necessary.

As we’ve mentioned, your energy levels rely on your immune system, your digestive system, and how you nourish each.

Want to create lasting energy that builds day-to-day?

This is it: 100 Wild Plant Enzymes and Probiotics

Thousands of strains of probiotics and enzymes.

Coupled with real fermentation.

Nurtured over time to create the best, all-around digestive supplement.

Made from hundreds of naturally growing wild plants, bark, stems, leaves, and more. This mixture will leave your body feeling refreshed, your digestive system flourishing, and you winning.

Are you feeling energized yet?

We sure are!

Let’s round out our chat with another non-assuming one.


This mineral is vital for your body in more ways than one.

Magnesium helps with: 

— Muscle and Nerve Function

— Bone Formation

— Mood

— Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar

And, you guessed it, ENERGY LEVELS! (Ding, ding — you are the winner)

Magnesium works tirelessly in your body to be a primary source of energy for ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in your cells. It is also essential in maintaining your metabolism. This plays a pivotal role in your energy levels and susceptibility to fatigue.

In simpler terms, magnesium is a rockstar!

Now, there are many different forms of magnesium. Some are more digestible and bioavailable than others.

Before adding in a magnesium supplement, it’s great to talk to your health provider first about what forms may benefit you the most.

Aside from supplementation, these are whole foods to incorporate into your lifestyle today.

Foods, Foods, and More Foods

Some of the best magnesium-rich foods you can find are:

— Nuts

— Avocados

— Dark Chocolate

— Legumes

— Seeds

— Whole Grains

— Dark, Leafy Greens

You get the point. All of the ingredients above would make the most magnesium-packed salad you have ever eaten!

All jokes aside —  let’s hit on some ways you can compliment your dietary routine.

Magnesium Supplements Anyone?

Like many other supplements, natural, bioavailable forms are best for your body.

Below are a few great resources that offer magnesium in all of its glory. Better yet, they are all available through Amazon.

#1 Optimally Organic — This is the best choice for boasting all-around benefits! Magnesium, Vitamin C, Potassium, and Folate. You can’t go wrong with this easy-to-incorporate powder. This will be the best option for boosting your energy and overall body function. 

#2 Magnesium Glycinate — This is a popular form on the market. Bioavailable and stable enough to make it to the digestive tract for easy absorption. This is a good choice for those looking to hone in on a specific form.

#3 Liquid Magnesium — This presentation offers an alternative for those who cannot swallow pills. Liquid magnesium is available in many forms. This will be best if you are looking for magnesium citrate, magnesium chloride, or magnesium taurate.

How You Can Beat Feeling Tired and Sluggish For Good

The proof is in the pudding — the vitamin pudding.

Small changes to your daily nutrition intake and proper supplementation will have you feeling your best in no time.

Ready to take back your life and get your energy back?

Implement these processes and watch your body transform.

You can thank us later!

* In partnership with our friends at Optimally Organic, Inc.* Photo courtesy of  Optimally Organic, Inc.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
* The information available on ewellnessmag.com, including text, graphics, and other materials is for informational purposes only. Reliance on any information in ewellnessmag.com is at the user’s own risk. Sponsored product placement may appear in the article. The visitor of this website acknowledges that the information available on or through ewellnessmag.com is not and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Copyright © 2024 Brawo Press, Inc. All rights reserved.


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