BeautyWhy Cleansing and Detoxification Critically Improve Your Health. Introducing the Sensational and...

Why Cleansing and Detoxification Critically Improve Your Health. Introducing the Sensational and Original Dr. Singha’s Mustard Bath

Our true health hinges on keeping a delicate balance within our trillions of cells between toxic waste particles and essential nutrients at all times. This requires sufficient cellular energy also known as Chi.  Dr. Singha’s Mustard Bath assists in raising Chi.

Mustard Bath

Of course, what we eat and the adoption of good habits such as mindfulness also go a long way toward  making us resilient. 

Another facet of turbocharging our health is the things that we keep at bay. Flushing toxins out and the  use of remarkable natural remedies can have an incredible effect on creating the best version of  ourselves.

Here’s the thing, the body is exposed to a tsunami wave of toxins and environmental hazards on a daily  basis. Modern life brings with it pollution, pesticides, pandemics and processed products that our bodies  are unable to adapt to, understandably.

Such nasty things can be absorbed through our skin, get into the very fabric of ourselves and  compromise our health. At the end of the day, investing in our health is the greatest investment we can  make. This is where Dr Singha comes in.

Who is Dr. Singha?

Dr Shyam Singha was a master Acupuncturist, Osteopath and Homeopath. He became known for  practicing and living authentic Ayurvedic medicine and lifestyle in the U.K., Europe and many other parts  of the world.

Ayurvedic Medicine is an ancient form of traditional medicine from India. It incorporates the use of natural  products derived from plants, animals and minerals, as well as embracing diet, exercise, dance, yoga,  massage and meditation.

Moreover, Dr Singha created the first Acupuncture School in Great Britain back in 1964 and developed three treatment centers in London. In 1974 he began the creation of an extraordinary Holistic Residential  Retreat Center deep in the countryside of beautiful Suffolk. This was based on community, energy  medicine, organic farming and meditation.

Mustard Bath

Why detoxification is essential

Dr. Singha taught that there are 4 essential phases of nutrition:

1. Ingestion

2. Digestion

3. Assimilation

4. Elimination

Interestingly, it was the fourth stage that he claimed to be the most important. 

Singha said, “No elimination, no assimilation!”

An analogy to stress this point could be the plumbing of your house because if the plumbing of your  house is clogged, there will be no flow and the same goes for what happens inside our bodies.

Furthermore, we must discover and use simple ways to free our bodies from toxicity and our minds from toxic thoughts. After all, a balanced and purified body is essential for our immune systems, and it is the  choices that we make every day that are fundamental to our health.

Let’s drill this point home:

As stated above, our bodies contain trillions of cells and each of them can become encumbered with toxic  waste particles which, if left unchecked, can block essential nutrients and energy needed for our health.  Remember, the cells still require sufficient cellular energy, also known as Chi, in order to function.

The Power of Mustard Baths

Do you know what the largest organ of elimination is in the body?

If you said the skin, you’d be correct!

Unfortunately, many people neglect their skin and do not appreciate the miraculous job that it does for the  rest of the body.

The skin is the porous and protective layer between our vital organs and the possible toxic dangers of the  outside world.

Additionally, our skin plays a fundamental role in the regulation of heat, metabolism and our nervous  system.

Our skin looks after us, so we need to look after our skin! 

This is where herbal and mineral baths come into play.

For years people have been taking baths and there’s a plethora of reliable evidence that salt and mineral  baths etc. can be beneficial for us. 

See Wikipedia’s description under Balneotherapy for one example.

Dr Singha combined plant material, essential oils and other natural ingredients to create his well-known Mustard Bath.

Dr. Singha’s Mustard Bath

Medicinal use of mustard has been recorded since biblical times and in Ayurvedic Medicine, Mustard  Baths have traditionally been used for detoxification and purification. Mustard can help to increase  circulation and oxygenation, and aids tremendously in solving the continual need to eliminate toxins from our bodies.

Wellness Magazine Master Club

The hot water and the mustard in the bath bring more blood to the surface giving a healthy pink flush,  opening pores and helping the skin to sweat out impurities. Furthermore, the Sodium Carbonate base  provides a potent alkaline medium to assist in the restoration of the body’s pH (more on that below).

Dr. Singha’s Mustard Bath also contains the aromatic essential oils of Wintergreen, Eucalyptus,  Rosemary and Thyme which provide further benefits such as the relief of nerve and muscle pain,  breathing assistance and antiseptic protection

This original Mustard Bath is commonly used in conjunction with inner cleansing. Dr. Singha encouraged  this inner cleansing under his guidance. During the cleanse he suggested a hot mustard bath for 20  minutes followed by a cold shower a few times a week in the evening before bed. The cold shower after  the hot bath sends the refreshed blood back into the core of our bodies. This is why we feel so  rejuvenated and fantastic after a cold shower!

Balancing your body’s pH

pH is a gauge of whether a substance is acidic or alkaline.

A balanced pH is important for our bodies because the chemical makeup of the human body needs to be  finely tuned to function optimally.

In healthy humans, a normal blood pH is between 7.35 and 7.45.

An early morning midstream urine pH is normally 4.5 and 8.

Our skin however, needs to be slightly more acidic to act as a barrier and protect the body from microbes,  and thus should have a lower pH between 4 and 6.5.

In modern times, there is an array of toxins that can send our pH in the wrong direction; from pollution,  processed food and synthetic substances. It would be sensible then to embrace traditional remedies and natural products to promote wellness. 

As noted, Dr Singha’s Mustard Bath is formulated with a Sodium Carbonate base which creates an  alkaline environment that helps restore pH balance in the body to normal, healthy levels.

Dr. Singha’s Mustard Rub

Dr. Singha also has a Mustard Rub. Health seekers like to incorporate this vibrant massage oil into their  routines to further enhance circulation and oxygenation.

Wellness Magazine Master Club

This powerful Rub is rich with therapeutic essential oils that warm and stimulate our skin and muscles  whilst also assisting Singha’s most important phase of elimination. Combining these two products is said  to work well together, compounding detoxification of the body’s natural detox pathways.

Having said that, not everybody can sit in a hot bath, nor does everybody own a bath. Therefore the Rub  also provides consumers with the miraculous benefits of mustard without a bath.

Dr. Singha’s Mustard Rub can be used for therapeutic massage. It can be applied to areas of discomfort  or tension, joints or as a chest rub which allows it’s magical properties to penetrate and invigorate.  Dr. Singha recommended a hot and cold shower 30 minutes after such a wonderful massage.

Powerful Habits

Habits compound over time, making a big difference to our health.

Habits can be unhealthy, such as eating fast food, not exercising, smoking, excessive use of alcohol and other toxic substances. Such habits can lead to sleeplessness and other problems. This chain of habits,  one feeding another over time will eventually compromise health and prevent people from realizing their  untapped potential.

On the positive side, good habits compound also when we exercise, drink sufficient and clean water and  eat healthier food. A valuable ritual after exercise is to take a Mustard Bath followed by a cold shower and  rest. Rest is important for the body to relax and receive the changes that have undoubtedly been made.  Arising from such a rest allows us to experience more energy, aliveness and joy.

It goes without saying then that a positive reinforcement cycle is far more productive than a negative one which compromises our health.

Summing it up

Whatever your thoughts are on traditional medicine, you cannot deny that modern times come with risks such as pollution and toxins.

It is a sensible idea then to look to therapies which can ensure that our skin stands a fighting chance of  flushing out the troublemakers before they encumber our cells and compromise the essential circulation  of nutrients and energy throughout our bodies.

Dr Singha’s products are extremely popular because they combine relaxation with rejuvenation in the  comfort of your own home. Cleansing and detoxification are a vital part of Singha’s teaching because as  we all know “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. 

Dr. Singha’s renowned formulas are widely available in stores and online.

Some people love his Mustard Bath, some prefer his Mustard Rub and some love to incorporate both.

The key thing is that good habits such as using these beneficial products can compound leading to  massive, positive and re-enforcing changes to our health. 

Consistency beats intensity and who knows, these products really could give extraordinary benefits to  you. The key thing is to experiment with such natural products and figure out what works for you! 

There are many ways to raise Chi; Qigong, Tai Chi, Acupuncture, meditation and intimacy, dance and  many more. 

However, soaking in this hot mustard bath, taking a cold shower and resting activates skin function which  raises our Vital Life Force Energy/Chi which in turn raises the Cellular Energy of the trillions of cells of  which we are made.

This Vital life force flows through all people and the universe.

You want to raise your Chi/cellular energy? Try a Dr. Singha’s Mustard Bath and who knows…? And remember Laughter is your Best Medicine!

* In partnership with our friends at Dr. Singha’s Natural Therapeutics, Inc.* Photo courtesy of Dr. Singha’s Natural Therapeutics, Inc.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
* The information available on, including text, graphics, and other materials is for informational purposes only. Reliance on any information in is at the user’s own risk. Sponsored product placement may appear in the article. The visitor of this website acknowledges that the information available on or through is not and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Copyright © 2024 Brawo Press, Inc. All rights reserved.




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