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Your no excuse guide to staying fit while flying and toned when traveling this holiday season

Many fitness enthusiasts find it difficult to follow their normal exercise plan while traveling to see family or friends for the winter holidays.  Unfamiliar...

Warm Up with These Hearty Winter Recipes from the American Diabetes Association

Soups, chilis, and other savory favorites are our go-to winter standbys. And now—thanks to a trio of hearty comfort food recipes from the ADA's...

Spend Your Time with Like-Minded People

According to U.S. News, approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second week in February. Why? Because dramatic, and immediate changes are not sustainable...


Panasonic Avionics Corporation (Panasonic) is today enhancing the range of Wellness solutions it offers to airlines and their passengers with the launch of Calm...

Spring Cleaning: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Spring isn't just about flowers and rain showers, but it's also about decluttering our homes and embracing the good ole' tradition of spring cleaning.Unfortunately,...


Andrenalogix: Your Partner for Stress Relief

Welcome to Andrenalogix, your trusted place for natural stress...

LE JOYAU D’OLIVE: Where Luxury Meets Skincare

Enter Le Joyau d’Olive, where you can experience the...

Boost Your Energy with Cell Shot Nutrition

Cell Shot Nutrition is an easy pathway to a...