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Germs with Unusual Antibiotic Resistance Widespread in U.S.

Antibiotic-resistant germs can spread like wildfire.More than 23,000 Americans die each year from infections caused by germs resistant to antibiotics. Health departments working with CDC’s...

Revealed: Over 40% of Americans have safety concerns about vitamins and dietary supplements

Majority of Americans are taking vitamins and/or dietary supplements to improve their overall health/wellbeing (74%)Interestingly, vitamins and/or dietary supplements are also being used to...

Find a Mind-Body-Health Balance for Summer

Spring has finally arrived here, with sunny skies and blooming flowers. The change in temperatures for some, however, may be causing orthopedic conditions like...

6 Ways to Get More from Your Day

24-hours in a day, but it all still seems so hectic, doesn’t it?! There are ways to get more from your day, here’s a...

Is sleep vital for creating better health?

Good-quality sleep is vital for creating better health. When you get a good night’s sleep, it is not just your physical body that benefits-...


Pure Mitti: A Safe Alternative in Personal Care Products

It may not have crossed your mind, but every...

Why Use Eyelid Cleanser

Listen up, because this is what you need to...

BULK APOTHECARY: Your One Stop Shop for Customised Natural Beauty Products

Bulk Apothecary’s journey started in mid-2010 as a modest...


In this article, we will explore the Herobiotics Oral...