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Spagyric Secrets (Plant-Based Alchemy)

Two Greek words, spao (to pull out, to split) and ageiro (to gather, to tie, to unite), are concealed in the term spagyric. Every...

Why Should You Take Supplements?

We are all aware that nutrition is important. Positive nutrition has a powerful impact on a person's health and wellness, and it may strengthen...

Why Children Need A Skin Care Routine

In many different ways, as parents, we look out for the health and well-being of our kids. We ensure that kids consume wholesome food,...

Why Plant-Based Anything?

A diet heavy in sugar, fat, and processed foods has dramatically exacerbated the prevalence of obesity and chronic disease in America. Americans consume less...

What is Photoaging?

Age-related skin problems like wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmentation are unavoidable. While we prefer to blame becoming another year older, the biggest offender is...

