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All Natural Solutions for a Slender You!

As the new year begins we often hear the term “New You” followed by extreme weight loss resolutions. However, the real key to weight...

The Coronavirus – Put it in perspective

With so much talk about the Coronavirus, mental health experts warn it can take a toll on our mental health and well-being, and really...


Is it true that fats are good for me? Yes, they are vital for optimal health. Dietary fats are essential for the absorption of fat-soluble...

How to Open Your Heart and Find Your Soul Mate

Your intense emotional experiences may seem to be ancient history. You may think that you have put those difficult things like divorce, abuse and...

Dermatologists Urge Consumers to Treat Acne Early

Treating acne when it first appears can reduce severity, scarring and acne-related anxiety. Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting...


Crazy Goat Soaps: Your Secret to Silky, Smooth Skin

One-third of the global population has dry skin. This...

Motif Beauty: Creating Skincare Products That Work For You

Are you experiencing the debilitating and often embarrassing effects...