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The hottest trends in skincare for 2022. Should you use them or lose them?

BY Dr. MANISH SHAH  Each year brings with it fashion trends, decorating trends, and beauty trends. The latter covers everything from nails, haircare, makeup, and skincare....

How Sugar Affects Your Heart

Valentine’s Day seems like the perfect excuse to eat your favorite delicious treat. There’s nothing quite like enjoying something sweet from your sweetheart, but...

A little more sunlight for your healthy heart

Ohio University study shows Vitamin D3 could help heal or prevent cardiovascular damage. A new study conducted by Ohio University scientists suggests that a little...

Drowsy After Another Restless Night? Try These 5 Tips For A Good Night’s Sleep

Millions of Americans toss and turn much of the night, unable to fall asleep – or to stay asleep once they finally do drift...

3 Steps Companies Can Take To Improve Mental Health In The Workplace

Sick days among workers are commonly associated with physical ailments, but mental health issues also account for frequent absences. A report from the 2018...

