Time-Saving Ideas for Health and Well Being

What stops or hinders people from working on their health and fitness goals? Time and effort is often a big…

2 years ago

Unlocking Anti-Aging

here is not much fun to be had as we age. Joints become increasingly stiff and achy, healing and repair…

2 years ago

Astaxanthin, Your Body Needs This!

Antioxidants are crucial to your health and wellbeing. Primarily, they help to protect your cells from damage that free radicals…

2 years ago


Cuts from a sharp knife or a piece of glass are very common. They often occur while people are preparing…

2 years ago

Tips for dealing with the changes, challenges, and opportunities of family gatherings

With Thanksgiving and other holidays almost here, we have tips on how to make family gatherings into lifetime memories and…

2 years ago

Welcome to peak flu season

Is It a Cold or the Flu? “Flu activity most commonly peaks in the United States between December and February,” according…

2 years ago

Gingivitis Bothering Your Child? Here’s What You Can Do to Help

Gum disease is also referred to as gingivitis or periodontal disease. When the gums, deep tissues and bones which support…

2 years ago

Is Your Sleep Problem Tied To The Family Tree? Here Are 3 Diet Tips To Reverse It

It’s estimated that 50-70 million U.S. adults have some type of sleeping disorder. And what you eat or don’t eat may impact…

2 years ago

Alzheimer’s disease – Why The TTAP© Method Works

So just how does a drawing, writing poetry, or playing the violin, help seniors function better and improve their memories?…

2 years ago

Drowsy After Another Restless Night? Try These 5 Tips For A Good Night’s Sleep

Millions of Americans toss and turn much of the night, unable to fall asleep – or to stay asleep once…

2 years ago