One of the Oldest Traditional Systems of Medicine

One of the oldest traditional systems of medicine (TSMs) that are widely used today is ayurveda. This conventional medical system's…

1 year ago

Siberian Pine Trees Hold the Key

Nestled within the vast and untouched landscapes of Siberia, a hidden treasure awaits discovery—the Siberian Polyprenols. These extraordinary compounds, derived…

1 year ago

Certified Organic

Any farmers' market you enter will welcome you with signs that read "Certified Organic" in large letters. Organic farming has…

1 year ago

Set a plan, get your sleep, and lose weight!?

Think for a moment about your goals. What do you really want? And what’s the best way to get there?…

2 years ago

Coffee! What is it?

You probably don't begin your day without a cup of coffee if you're like most people. A cup of coffee…

2 years ago

Heal, protect, and rejuvenate with these natural choices

There is a growing field of evidence and almost what some would call a consensus among the scientific community. It…

2 years ago

Increase your energy and heal your body

Harold was proud of where he was. For several months he's taken to the challenge of improving the way his…

2 years ago

Why You Should Be Adding Prebiotics to Your Diet

Have you been stuck in unhealthy eating patterns? Do you often end up feeling bloated and uncomfortable? Well, this year…

2 years ago

The Importance of Your Immune System

Your body is exposed to germs, including pathogenic bacteria, every day. Your body can defend itself against diseases by fending…

2 years ago

The Ultimate Superfood: The Mushroom

What is a Superfood?It goes without saying that some foods are healthier than others, yet no one food can fulfill…

2 years ago