
Mastering the art of falling asleep and staying asleep

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." We've all heard this old adage,…

2 years ago

Mushrooms, Natures Medicine

Whoever thought one day those little fungi we call mushrooms would be such a medicinal benefit to society?  Of course,…

2 years ago

The Dangers of Heavy Metal Exposure and How to Protect Yourself

Air. Water. Leafy greens. Paint. Toys. City smog. Tobacco smoke. Seemingly harmless, these everyday items can actually be very harmful…

2 years ago

Bees and Our Skin

How and what were honey bee products used for by Cleopatra, Hippocrates, twelve-time Olympic medalist Nurmi, or your great-great-grandfather? How…

2 years ago

What you don’t know about sleep and weight loss might be holding you back

Have you ever dreamed of achieving a summer body while you sleep? Well, it turns out that getting that beach-ready…

2 years ago

What is Photoaging?

Age-related skin problems like wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmentation are unavoidable. While we prefer to blame becoming another year older,…

2 years ago

All it Takes Is a Drop

Vitamin D3 is a very popular nutrient that people try to get plentiful amounts thereof, regularly. This fact is understandable…

2 years ago

Medicinal Mushrooms: Ancient Meets Modern

For thousands of years, our ancestors have used mushrooms as medicine. A powerful anti-inflammatory and tool for cauterizing wounds, the…

2 years ago

Collagen, It’s More than What You Think!

When people say the word collagen, they often think of something that is used to boost one’s appearance. The image…

2 years ago

Join the Revolution of Health

People have been using supplements for years, and the numbers keep getting bigger as time passes. While diet and exercise…

2 years ago