Mind Trend News

3 Mindfulness Keys to Turn Stress to Your Advantage

  When we think of the word “stress,” it is often in the negative: the epidemic of stress and anxiety,…

2 years ago

Max Your Mind

New Brain Building Book by Sandra Stanton Helps Keep Aging Minds Sharp.  Have you ever walked into a room and…

2 years ago

Three Super Wellness Tips

The first month of 2022 is done! Did you set any goals or resolutions?! Many of us may have already…

2 years ago

Wellness while you work

Today’s average full-time employee will put in well over 2000 hours annually at their jobs. Below is a list of…

2 years ago

Tips to get the most from your memory

As you've gotten older, have you noticed that you often find yourself marching around the house in a huff, searching…

2 years ago

How to Open Your Heart and Find Your Soul Mate

Your intense emotional experiences may seem to be ancient history. You may think that you have put those difficult things…

2 years ago

Maintaining Optimism in the Modern World

In light of current events, many would consider a perpetually optimistic person deranged or living in the world of absurdity.…

2 years ago