Categories: Eat Well

Coffee Tradition with a Little Addition

For many people, coffee is a way of life. They drink it when they get up, as a special treat, and even with their meals. Many people feel like they can’t start their day if they don’t have that special cup of coffee to boost their energy and get them going. Everyone is different, so everyone has distinct energy levels. Some people still need something to pick them up in the middle of the day. Others enjoy coffee with their dinner as a companion to their desserts. Millions of people worldwide are constantly consuming coffee every hour of the day. Drinking the right kind of coffee helps people obtain energy and can also help certain aspects of one’s inner health.  However, as popular as coffee is, many people who drink it are unaware of both the origins of their coffee and the very importance of the way it is prepared.


Like how foods have been distorted with the addition of unnatural ingredients and additives, coffee has been processed to the point that people don’t reap the proper benefits of it. Many of the types of coffee that have been made readily available in stores and shops have been prepared via methods that are not exactly the greatest. When this occurs, the effectiveness of each coffee grain that makes up the coffee produced is not fully obtained. In addition, many coffee drinks that have been heavily marketed to the public, like Frappuccino, have been composed of large amounts of unhealthy fats and sugar. Unfortunately, these types of drinks are not only costly but they are also very addictive as well. The combination of unhealthy and ill-prepared coffee has left people with consequences for their health and the inability to obtain all the benefits of coffee, not to mention that they also have drained bank accounts. Boon Boona Coffee, however, is prepared in the tradition of the Eritreans and Ethiopians, who are known for producing some of the healthiest, beneficial coffee in the world.

Before delving into the traditional preparation of coffee exhibited by Eritreans and Ethiopians, it is essential to look at the health benefits of coffee that can be obtained from the right kind.

Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Gaining More Energy

Arguably, the most well-known benefit of coffee that many people wish to obtain by drinking it is energy. People need energy to fulfill daily tasks. There are so many different responsibilities that people must complete daily. First, there are the requirements of one’s job. In addition, there’s the responsibility of raising a family and maintaining a residence. There are only so many hours in a day, and it takes a helping hand to give one that extra boost of energy to ensure they thoroughly fulfill their responsibilities. As mentioned, everyone has different levels of energy. Some people can drink their first cup of coffee when waking up in the morning or whatever time of day they arise and then not have to drink anymore the rest of the day. On the other hand, other people, even when they have already drunk coffee at the start of their day, must have an extra cup in the middle or towards the end to keep their energy levels intact so they can adequately handle life. Also, as mentioned, some people enjoy drinking coffee with their desserts or any sweets that are consumed daily. The problem that people have in trying to obtain energy from the coffee they drink is that they get too much or too little. Many of the high-sugar coffees that are popular, like Frappuccino, have been prepared with dangerously high amounts of caffeine that can cause problems for people’s heart health and can contribute to nervousness and anxiety. On the other hand, many readily available coffees and coffee mixes have not been appropriately prepared. Therefore, the amounts of healthy energy that can be obtained from coffee are not met. People need to drink a healthy type of coffee prepared traditionally and with just the right amount of caffeine.

Helps Heart Health

Certain studies have shown that drinking a limited amount of the correct type of coffee can help one’s heart health. The heart is a vital organ that keeps the body alive and functioning properly. It pumps blood to all bodily areas, providing oxygen. Therefore, one must care for heart health as best as possible. One of the most significant health issues that causes problems for one’s heart health is high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. This is when the pressure in one’s blood vessels is too high. Having extremely high blood pressure over a significant amount of time can increase the risk of having a heart attack or stroke, which, in some cases, can be fatal. However, drinking the right kind of coffee can help lower one’s blood pressure. In addition, the consumption of healthy, properly prepared coffee has been shown to help one maintain a regular heartbeat. The most vital benefit of coffee to the essential organ of the heart is helping prevent heart failure.

Helps Cognitive Abilities

Coffee helps one maintain physical energy, which, as mentioned, is essential for completing daily tasks and chores. However, it’s necessary to live a healthy lifestyle and not forget about mental energy. The brain’s cognitive abilities include things such as memory, processing information, and making rational decisions. When performing certain types of actions that require a lot of thinking, one must be able to remember things well and make good decisions. For example, certain people who work at banks must be able to record information to place it to the best of their abilities when presenting budget plans to committees and statement files to customers requesting information. Another example would be someone employed as a curator of historical records. They must be able to memorize all sorts of information that pertains to their projects and collections. Regardless of what type of profession one has, being able to remember things well is very imperative. Also, when it comes to raising a family, it is crucial to make rational decisions so that parents can set the right example and guide their children positively. Also, paying attention is essential. Whether one must remain attentive at work or school, it’s necessary to concentrate on things as best as possible. Drinking specific types of coffee that have been prepared the right way can assist with this.

As mentioned, how coffee is prepared can make all the difference in how the benefits of it are obtained. The Ethiopians and Eritreans have always had a ritualistic way of preparing coffee. It’s a ceremony that is very much about coffee – pan-roasting green coffee, grinding it with a mortar and pestle, brewing it in a traditional clay pot called a jebena, adding water, and letting it boil – but it’s also about conversation, connection, and community.

Boon Boona Coffee

Efrem Fesaha founded Boon Boona Coffee. Fesaha grew up in Seattle, which has always been known for its coffee culture. After visiting family in Eritrea, Fesaha witnessed the country’s coffee traditions and decided to bring some back to Seattle. Boon Boona Coffee is all about coffee and community. Their specialty-grade coffee is ethically sourced from Africa exclusively, with supporting woman-owned growers.

Bereka Blend

Bereka Blend from Boon Boona Coffee is a medium-roasted blend made in honor of the coffee ceremonies of Ethiopia and Cameroon. It is excellent for the spirit just as much as it is for the taste buds. Bereka Blend contains notes of Milk Chocolate and Hazelnut.

As popular as coffee is for the attainment of energy, it’s also essential to note that many people prefer decaffeinated coffee. Some people are sensitive to caffeine. Even reasonable amounts of the correct type of caffeine can cause them to become jittery and nervous. Not to worry because Boon Boona Coffee has these people covered.

Decaf Sidamo

Decaf Sidamo from Boon Boona Coffee is a delicious, decaffeinated treat. It comes from the Sidamo region of Ethiopia. Decaf Sidamo has a light roast level.

Make Traditional Coffee Your Hobby

For years, coffee drinking has been a huge tradition for millions worldwide. Whether trying to obtain the energy needed to handle life or drinking something to wash down a tasty dessert, coffee is a part of many people’s lives. Coffee has other benefits besides energy, such as helping people obtain better heart health and improve their cognitive abilities. Unfortunately, the tradition of drinking coffee has neglected the most ‘traditional’ ways of preparing it. Due to this factor, people have wasted their hard-earned money on coffee items that contain unhealthy ingredients and do not allow people to obtain what they need from beverages. Now, people can continue their tradition of drinking coffee with traditionally made coffee. Boon Boona Coffee has coffee products sourced from East Africa and adheres to coffee-making customs that allow one to properly obtain all of one’s body and mind needs. The year is still young, so why not make 2024 the year you adhere to a practice that will help your life’s health status?


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