Categories: Family HealthHealth

Finaflex: Improving your body’s health through holistic supplements

Summer is here, and while the weather is fine and people may or may not be dancing in the street to celebrate, you probably have one primary goal: to get back in shape after a fall and winter slump. You try establishing a workout regimen to fit your needs while looking for natural-based organic supplements to aid your progress. But how can you find the right one when most organic products are not what they seem? Look no further than Finaflex.

After a long hibernation during the fall and winter seasons, you are probably ready to get back outside and give your body the workout it has been missing. During the fall and winter seasons, you will likely find yourself inside most of the time. Unwilling to go outside due to the extreme cold, you may prefer to snuggle up under the blankets with your loved ones indoors while binge-watching your favorite television shows. You may also find yourself tending to eat a little more, too.

 It is pretty standard to feel hungrier in the winter seasons than you do in the spring and summer seasons. Studies have shown that this is likely because when you are cold, your body tends to work harder and needs to spend more energy to keep it warm. Eating can help generate internal heat by causing a rise in your body’s temperature, thus creating the desire to eat more. Your muscles could also decrease as well due to lack of movement. So, when spring and summer finally arrive, you are ready to spring into action, shed those excess pounds, and regain the muscle you have lost. However, finding the proper regimen is not always easy and takes time. So, some people turn to supplements to aid their progress. Particularly holistic supplement companies that can care for their mind and physical health. FinaFlex is one of those companies.


FInaFlex is a supplement and healthy snack company dedicated to enhancing people’s well-being through innovative products. It is a GMP-certified manufacturer that upholds its company’s and industry’s highest quality standards. FinaFlex is based outside of Atlanta, Georgia, and was founded in 2008 by childhood friends Bryan Krause and Kyung Kim, who met in middle school in Fayetteville, Georgia. The two boys became close friends, bonding over their interest in fitness and athletics, and their friendship continued to grow into their college years as they both attended the University of Georgia as alternate football players. Shortly after graduating, Krause and Kim managed to break into the supplement industry after graduation.

 The company that would come to be known as FInaFlex was born in the back of a small supplement store. Its goal was to create natural, holistic products that help with a person’s physical and mental well-being. It came out during a precarious time to start a business: the 2008 Economic recession. Thankfully, Krause and Kim managed to persevere and make FInaFlex the successful company it is today. The company is dedicated to creating supplements that can aid a person’s muscle recovery and weight loss without adding harmful ingredients. They eventually branched out into creating a line of healthy snacks that are just as popular as their supplements and can often be found in gyms and grocery stores everywhere and online. Two of their most popular products include BCAA 2:1:1 and Night Burn (PX For Her).

BCAA 2:1:1

 You most likely depend on your muscles for everything if you are an athlete. You need them to run long distances and to lift heavy objects. However, you also tend to struggle with your muscles in one way or another. Many people, not just athletes, struggle with muscle loss at some point. This condition is commonly known as Muscle Atrophy, and it is often caused by a lack of muscle usage, usually caused by situations such as sitting at a desk job all day and not getting enough exercise. It can also be caused by neurological conditions such as Muscular Dystrophy, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, or Dermatomyositis. If you suffer from any of these, you probably want to make a change in your lifestyle for the better. You can exercise more, and you can also use a supplement to aid your progress. Preferably, it should be one that does not contain any harmful antioxidants or chemicals. This is where FinaFlex’s BCAA 2:1:1 comes in.

The BCAA 2:1:1 supplement increases muscle strength and performance and promotes muscle recovery and repair after an injury. It also supports lean muscle mass, guaranteeing the ultimate muscular performance. This unique supplement is made with one hundred percent Pure Branched Chair Amino Acids. These particular amino acids are proteins that are essential nutrients found in food, and your muscles often burn them for energy. Branched-chain amino acids are made of specific ones such as leucine, isoleucine, and valine. The name “branched chain” refers to their chemical structure. They are essential in that they can help to support muscle metabolism, as well as build muscle tissue protein. And the BCAA 2:1:1 is chock full of them.

This supplement also contains a formula free from fillers and all unnecessary additives. It is perfect for both men and women to help improve their muscular strength, performance, and recovery when taken in the clinically acceptable dose of five grams. Are you an endurance athlete who often experiences intense exercise routines and pushes yourself to the limit with your workouts? If so, then you are at increased risk for cell damage. Thankfully, The BCAA 2:1:1 is clinically proven to help endurance athletes and could be the perfect supplement. Along with the Branched-Chain Amino Acids, this supplement also contains a generous one thousand milligrams of Vitamin C, which will help to boost your immune system and even decrease cell damage during any intense exercise routine you may have. Oh, and one more exciting tidbit: The BCAA 2:1:1 is a suitable option for people who have sensitivities to stimulants. So, if you are struggling with muscle loss, then this is the perfect product for you.


Muscle loss is definitely a problematic issue for all athletes. It can be frustrating and embarrassing, especially if you are a professional athlete. Your performance can suffer greatly and lead to you simply lounging around the house and eating more. This results in you gaining more weight due to not working out, and thankfully, FinaFlex has ways to help. Another problem many athletes face, along with other people who love to work out, is the lack of a good night’s sleep and the inevitable weight gain.

As you probably already know, sleep is valuable to your body’s overall health and wellness. It can significantly affect your physical health and cognitive health. A good night’s sleep can help you think clearer and have better focus and even quicker reflexes, while a bad night’s sleep can weaken your reasoning, problem-solving, and mindfulness. You may find yourself being less productive in your job and in your everyday life. Your immune system can also suffer from lack of sleep, which weakens and leaves it more vulnerable to illnesses. Most scientists recommend getting seven to nine hours of sleep per night to maintain your physical and emotional health. Not many people know this, but not getting adequate sleep can also affect your weight. Astoundingly, Finaflex has created a unique product that can help you get a good night’s sleep and aid in weight loss.

  PX Nightburn:

Do you often find yourself struggling with getting a good night’s sleep and gaining weight? While both problems can be linked to stress, studies have also shown that sleep can be connected to weight gain as it can influence hunger and satiety. Since many people have decreased their amount of sleep over the past few decades, the average body mass index has increased, leading to a trend of obesity and higher body weights. While there is a debate in the medical community about the connection between sleep and weight gain, some scientists have found a possible connection. One theory is that a lack of sleep can affect your body’s regulation of neurotransmitters (Ghrelin, which promotes hunger, and Leptin, which helps you to feel full) that are central to your appetite. Other research has shown that a lack of sleep can increase your desire for foods high in calories, carbs, and fat. Therefore, people eat more and thus gain more weight. You will no longer need to suffer, thanks to FinaFlex’s PX Nightburn supplement.

 PX Nightburn is a unique supplement that prides itself on being a non-stimulant weight loss product that can be used by both men and women. It is specially designed to support hormone balance, regulate thyroid function, increase your energy and mood, and help your body build muscle while burning fat. Its absence of stimulants will ensure a good night’s sleep for you. At the same time, the powerful combination of its key ingredients, Acetyl L-carnitine (ALC) and Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), will help transport fatty acids for breakdown, greatly helping with weight loss and improving body composition. It is highly recommended that you take PX Nightburn before bedtime to achieve the desired results. This will significantly help support your weight loss journey while ensuring you receive a good night’s sleep.

Both the BCAA and PX Nightburn Supplements can significantly assist with the strengthening of your muscles as well as aiding your weight loss journey by giving you a good night’s rest. Both products are essential to your physical and mental well-being, and FinaFlex is deeply committed to promoting mind and body wellness through their products by filling them with all-natural ingredients and none of the added chemicals that so often appear on other so-called wellness products. If you are ready to rejuvenate your life, go to  and check out their revolutionary supplements.



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