Hormone Imbalance is Ruining Your Energy, Mood, and Life – Here’s What to Do

Toxins, stress, trouble sleeping, medications – all of these things can disrupt our hormones and the consequences of being unbalanced have disastrous knock-on effects for both men and women.

Here are some tell-tale signs that you have a hormone imbalance:

  • You’re often tired and lethargic
  • You have mood swings and are often irritable
  • Your libido isn’t what it used to be
  • You have trouble with your weight
  • You have trouble sleeping
  • You struggle to concentrate
  • You’re often anxious

Many people suffer from these symptoms and just shrug it off as a side-effect of everyday life. What if it’s not though? What if there are simple natural remedies that can revitalize you and get your hormones rebalanced and alive and kicking? It’s time to reclaim your health.

Healthy Energy Checklist

If you’re often feeling lethargic and/or suffering from some of the above symptoms then you need to take a step back and assess the basic aspects of your life.

How’s your diet? Are you eating balanced meals that provide you with the nutrition and fuel that you need to focus?

Are you regularly exercising and moving your body so that you’re flushing blood throughout your body and keeping your aerobic and anaerobic mechanisms ticking over?

If the answer is no to one of these aspects, fix that first and then reassess how you are feeling.

If the answer is yes then you probably need to look at your hormone balance. Life is too short to be feeling low and you owe it to yourself to reclaim your youth and vibrancy.

Health hormones are one thing that you want to get right as naturally as possible. The use of synthetic hormones or manmade pharmaceuticals introduces too many unwanted side effects.

It’s all too easy to assume that all of our challenges are modern ones and that they require modern solutions but there are thousands of years of wisdom that we shouldn’t ignore. Ancient peoples from all around the world discovered the power of natural herbs and medicines that offer incredible benefits.

The amazing thing is that now we know more about them, we can combine the best of all of these ancient herbs and formulate powerful combinations that our ancestors could only dream of.

Not enough people know about this, but you’re about to!

The Natural Solution: Discover the Power of Life-Changing Herbs

More and more people are waking up to the limitations and side effects of over-the-counter modern medicines and instead are exploring herbal medicines that have been used for millennia.

One company making inroads in hormone balance is Lost Empire Herbs.

Lost Empire Herbs brings a modern twist to ancient herbal formulations with products such as Stag Swag for men and Athena Woman’s Formula for women.

But what exactly is in these products and why are they so life-changing?

Swag Stag: The Ultimate Hormone Health Formula for Men

Issues such as low testosterone and vitality are increasingly common in men as they age. We all know that men possess higher levels of testosterone than women, but what exactly does this hormone do?

Testosterone is the engine hormone behind a male’s energy, muscle strength, and overall stamina.

Unfortunately, modern lifestyle factors such as stress, processed foods, and environmental toxins can cause havoc on testosterone levels leading to exhaustion, weakness, and depression.

This is where Lost Empire Herbs’ Swag Stag remedy can come in: Swag Stag is formulated specifically for me to aid in their natural production of testosterone, energy, and performance.

One of the key ingredients in this solution is Elk Antler, a highly regarded ingredient that’s rich in IGF-1, a compound that supports muscle recovery, regeneration, and widespread energy levels. Elk Antler has been used for centuries for its illustrious regenerative properties.

Additionally, the formulation contains the following key ingredients:

  • Pine Pollen: Known for its natural ability to boost testosterone, pine pollen is crammed with phytoandrogens which are plant hormones that mimic the effects of testosterone in the body. Pine pollen helps increase energy, improve muscle mass, and enhance libido.
  • Cistanche: Found in the desert, Cistanche has wide-reaching benefits ranging from anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and memory improvement. Moreover, Cistanche is reported to show stimulation of growth hormone and a reduction of impotence.
  • He Shou Wu: Often used in traditional Chinese medicine, He Shou Wu promotes healthy aging and it’s been linked to longevity and overall vitality.

Remember, exercising and hitting the gym are only part of the equation for vitality. Your diet and getting your hormonal balance in order are essential parts of the health equation too.

Athena Women’s Formula: Extraordinary Hormone Support for Women

It’s well known that hormone imbalance in women can cause all sorts of issues from weight gain to premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Women have a whole host of challenges when it comes to hormone health and this varies throughout a woman’s life as the menstrual cycles begin and end with menopause.

Nature to the rescue again?

Athena Women’s Formula by Lost Empire Herbs comes with a packed powerful blend of herbs designed to support women through every stage of life and improve hormone imbalance in women.

What makes Atena Women’s Formula so powerful and effective?

It’s all about combining the potency of natural herbs that complement each other in balancing hormones, increasing energy, and promoting overall well-being.  Here’s some more information about these herbs:

  • Dong Quai: Otherwise known as female ginseng, this ancient Chinese herb grows in the cool high mountains of East Asia. Traditionally, the herb has been used to improve blood health, regulate the immune system, and relieve pain. However, women in particular can benefit from the super-herb as it has been found to alleviate issues such as PMS, menopause, and period cramps. It’s no wonder then that they call it female ginseng!
  • Shatavari: Shatavari is an adaptogenic herb that’s said to help the body cope with physical and emotional stress. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and it’s been used to alleviate all sorts of ailments from ulcers to kidney stones to depression. Moreover, Shatavari regulates the production of natural hormones in women and balances levels of estrogen.
  • Goji Berries: Goji berries are everywhere in the wellness industry these days and with good reason, these incredible tiny berries are used to manage a whole host of health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and fever. Goji berries are high in vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, and fiber.
  • Schisandra Berries: These purple-red berries have been used across Russia and Asia for generations due to their magnificent health benefits. Schisandra Berries is said to have positive effects on Alzheimer’s disease, liver disease, and depression. Additionally, studies have shown that they’re super effective in alleviating symptoms of menopause.
  • Pine Pollen: Pine pollen has been used in medicine for thousands of years. Anti-aging properties and antioxidants, pine pollen is an effective natural herb that makes for an excellent addition to this fine formula.

Remember, these ingredients have been explicitly formulated for balancing hormones in women to reclaim energy and confidence whatever stage of life they’re in.

Lost Empire Herbs

Now that you know more about these amazing products, let’s talk a little more about the company behind them.

Lost Empire Herbs is dedicated to empowering individuals to take control of their health through the power of nature. Founded by three brothers, this family business was armed with the idea of “performance herbalism”.

The purpose of Lost Empire Herbs is to harness the potential of high-performance humans through the use of potent herbal extracts gathered from throughout the world. If you haven’t gathered by now, their primary focus is on hormone health which as we know now is an underappreciated factor of how we feel in everyday life. We need our hormones in check now more than ever before in a world full of hormone-disrupting toxicity that may be present in our food, our water, our industries, and throughout our lives.

Their herbal formulations are backed by independent third-party lab testing, with stricter standards than government agencies, which are posted available for anyone to see on their website.

All sales are backed by a 365-day money-back guarantee where a customer doesn’t have to return anything. They’re so confident in the power of their herbal remedies that if a customer does not experience a noticeable difference in their health, they do not pay.

Lost Empire Herbs specializes in potent extracts including spagyrics, utilizing the lost art of legitimate laboratory alchemical processes. Their website features detailed education, from modern science to ancient wisdom, not just to help people use the herbs but to live an overall holistic and healthy lifestyle.

Their commitment to quality goes beyond the herbs as they have great customer service too. They’ve even got a phone number where you can call and talk to a real person, not just a robot.

They offer a wide range of powders, capsules, and tinctures to support many health and performance needs. An online quiz helps guide even a complete herbal newbie to find something that can likely support you best.

Reclaim Your Hormone Health

Modern-day times throw a whole heap of challenges at us and the last thing that we need is to feel lethargic, anxious, and irritable.

Life’s just too short to not be on top of our A-game so you owe it to yourself to be on top of your hormonal balance.

In this article, we recommended two products by Lost Empire Herbs due to the intricate attention to detail that they have utilized in their formulations and their commitment to rigorous testing, a money-back guarantee, and excellent customer service.

Reading this article might just have changed your life.

Are you ready to reclaim your hormone health?

* In partnership with our friends at Lost Empire Herb* Photo courtesy of Lost Empire Herb
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
* The information available on ewellnessmag.com, including text, graphics, and other materials is for informational purposes only. Reliance on any information in ewellnessmag.com is at the user’s own risk. Sponsored product placement may appear in the article. The visitor of this website acknowledges that the information available on or through ewellnessmag.com is not and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Copyright © 2024 Brawo Press, Inc. All rights reserved.


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