Let’s face it. The real world and life itself are full of stress and hardships. We live in a fast-paced society where there are many responsibilities that you must fulfill daily. Whether it’s taking care of your family or completing assignments at work or school, there is always a mountain of work to be done. Individuals experience varying levels of stress and anxiety, often resulting from multiple causes. The way you approach stress and hardships can have a significant bearing on your personal relationships, physical health, and overall way of thinking. That’s why many people seek the help of life coaches. Life coaches can assist you with time management, goal-setting, and improving your lifestyle, among many things. However, you may be someone who prefers not to be inconvenienced by meeting your life coach face-to-face. An alternative to traditional life coaching has been hard to find until now.
Life coaches have helped improve people’s mindset and way of life. People have seen changes with everything from improving their diet to fulfilling professional goals. Until recently, though, many life coaches have required their clients to meet them in person. This makes many people uncomfortable. In-person life coaching is also very expensive and time-consuming. People are required to leave the comforts of their own homes and travel to a different location in order to receive assistance. Unfortunately, there are only so many hours in a day, and the time it takes to get cleaned up and prepared for a life coach session as well as the time it takes to drive to the location of the life coach’s services, drains people. Also, the cost of hiring a life coach and paying for gas can be significant. Due to these factors, many people have shunned the idea of anything related to this. Therefore, they are unable to enhance their life and overall well-being in a manner that only a life coach can provide. Luckily, I-Molecular has the solution to this problem with its virtual sessions involving not only life coaching but also hypnosis and meditation.
Benefits of Having a Life Coach
Career/Professional Development
As mentioned, it’s a fast-paced world that we live in. This makes it much harder for you to maintain your career and develop as a professional. Whether you are someone who is between jobs—in a job you can’t stand, returning to the working world after a break, satisfied with your job but wanting to improve your professional standing—or someone who is just entering the working world, a life coach can help you focus on setting your goals and flourishing as a professional in your field. You can receive assistance in finding the right kind of job for you and learning how to maintain job security.
Diet and Fitness
It’s well known that when it comes to maintaining your overall health, diet and fitness are two of the most common things to focus on. How you eat and the amount of exercise you get regularly have a bearing on how healthy you can become, both physically and mentally. For years, there have been dozens of advertisements from gyms and physical fitness centers promising that their services can help people obtain optimal health. Like the services of many career services professionals, however, this requires people to have to leave their homes. This can be an inconvenience for some individuals, as they may prefer not to work out or discuss their physical fitness in public. On the other hand, you might not mind going to a physical gym, but, still, you may prefer exercising and, more importantly, discussing diet and fitness in a more intimate setting. With the helping hand of a life coach from I-Molecular, you can discuss your diet and fitness goals virtually and with confidentiality. It’s like having someone guide you towards achieving optimal health while eliminating the need for in-person meetings or trips to a dirty, sweaty gym.
Hypnosis is a technique that allows a person to reach a state of deep relaxation and focus in order to heal from past injuries, shift thought and behavior patterns, or alleviate emotional suffering or emotional barriers.
Benefits of Hypnosis
Performance Anxiety
Performance anxiety involves the general worry that you may not do something well. This concerns everything from your ability to fulfill job duties to your performance on a test. No matter how confident a person may be or how much they have already achieved, arguably everyone fears how they will perform in certain settings. It’s natural to feel this way. However, there are ways to deal with it properly, such as hypnosis.
Weight Loss
You may not think that hypnosis can help with weight loss, but think again. Combined with a healthy diet and exercise, hypnosis has been shown to help reduce cravings. In addition, it can help encourage more positive thinking around your weight loss and health goals. For years, millions of advertisements have focused on the aspect of losing weight and keeping it off. Unfortunately, the commercialization of weight loss has been so prevalent that it may have contributed to negative thoughts associated with the process. You can change your thought patterns with hypnosis. In addition, hypnosis is a healthy method of pursuing weight loss. It’s much better than spending money on over-the-counter items that are very expensive and addictive.
Addressing Unwanted Thoughts, Emotional Pain, Hurt, and Trauma
Hypnosis can help people identify what triggers their unwanted thoughts. It’s safe to say that most of us think too much. While technology can greatly benefit your life, it has also contributed to the issue of overthinking. In the world of social media, people tend to compare themselves to others based on what they see individuals put on their accounts regarding their careers and accomplishments. Not only does the person viewing these things not fully understand the whole story, but the images of success often lead people to feel depressed about their current professional status, even if they are already successful. These images have arguably caused people to become complacent in their work and discourage them from pursuing opportunities. Fortunately, hypnosis can not only help people identify the causes of some of their unwanted thoughts; it also helps individuals learn to deal with them properly. One of the most common reasons that people seek assistance from others is to resolve emotional pain, hurt, or trauma. The types of emotional problems can vary. Furthermore, each individual is unique, resulting in varying reactions to traumatic events. Thoughts trigger much of this trauma. You can identify these thoughts with the help of virtual hypnosis sessions available from I-Molecular.
The owner of I-Molecular, Dr. Theresa Jenkins-Chadwick AKA Dr. TJ, founded the company based on the idea that the body is made of molecules; these molecules function in both physical and mental health. Therefore, Dr. TJ takes a holistic approach to the mind and body and helps clients understand how important lifestyle and mindset are to overall health and wellness. Her goal is to help people grow, problem solve, cultivate an improved mindset, and facilitate behavioral change for physical and mental health and wellness.
I-Molecular coaching lays the groundwork for the growth of greater self-awareness while helping clients find answers via self-discovery and innovative change. Through the utilization of these services, you can obtain life and health coaching for the following: career/professional development, improved relationships, goal setting, time management, skill building, stress management, and improved diet, exercise, and sleep. I-Molecular conducts all coaching sessions virtually and in a confidential manner.
Sometimes, you require more than just your life and health coaching to support your mind and body. As mentioned, hypnosis is a very beneficial technique. In addition to coaching sessions, I-Molecular also offers hypnosis sessions.
Sessions from I-Molecular also include hypnosis and guided meditation. These virtual sessions are just as beneficial as in-person hypnosis. Hypnosis and guided meditation services from I-Molecular can help with the following: abnormal eating patterns, smoking cessation, anxiety, trauma, stress reduction, and unwanted thoughts.
Finally, You Can Get a Life Coach That Will Make You Feel Good About Yourself
In the hectic world that we live in, it’s challenging to accomplish all of our personal and health goals all by ourselves. That’s why people started seeking sessions from life coaches. However, after a while, the pursuit of these types of assistants fell out of favor, as many people did not want to leave the comfort of their own homes to obtain their services, let alone pay the astronomical fees they were charging. Fortunately, this is slowly beginning to change as I-Molecular offers a cost-effective alternative to the traditional forms of life coaching that are not only available at a great price but are also virtual. In addition, I-Molecular offers virtual hypnosis sessions, which are just as beneficial as in-person visits. Life is tough! Everyone knows it! However, you can make your life much easier and more enjoyable with the help of a life coach and hypnosis. A new year is approaching, so it’s time for you to hypnotize your body back to great health and finally have the help of a life coach that doesn’t take you for granted! Start feeling better today!
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