BeautySafe Tattoo for the Safety of Your Mind

Safe Tattoo for the Safety of Your Mind

Nowadays, many people have tattoos. For some people, tattoos are a way of life. At one time, they were considered taboo by specific segments of society. However, times have changed, and people from all walks of life have tattoos. Some people who have jobs that require a dress or a suit and tie have tattoos that aren’t as visible, whereas others have them all over their bodies with no shame. Some tattoos are simple, while others are very colorful and artistic. However, although tattoos are now somewhat mainstream, there is still a negative association with them.

Even though many people have tattoos like never before, some people still consider them tacky and distasteful. They perceive tattoos as improper and not adhering to general cultural norms. Others cite the safety issues of getting tattoos, which is a legitimate concern. After all, permanent tattoos are engraved on the human flesh. Fortunately, a company known as Conscious Ink has made the safe way of getting tattoos just as popular as the other kind. They have temporary tattoos of all types that are safe and can help people’s mindset and health.

Here is a listing of how Conscious Ink’s temporary tattoos have helped people’s lives.

Self-Worth & Encouragement

Many people have trouble understanding their life’s self-worth and often need additional encouragement to let them know they are desirable human beings with a purpose in life. In the crazy, fast-paced world that we live in, it’s easy for people to lose track of their life’s overall meaning. In the era of social media, people tend to compare their lives to others daily. Often, this causes people to feel inadequate and like they haven’t accomplished enough in their personal and professional lives. That’s even more reason why people need more self-encouragement. The Self Worth & Encouragement Temporary Tattoo Collection from Conscious Ink has messages reminding people daily of their power and value. Whether it’s self-confidence, personal power, or self-love, there’s a temporary tattoo for every inspiring message.


As mentioned, constant social media use, notwithstanding its various benefits to society, has caused adverse effects on people’s ways of thinking. Besides contributing to a negative self-image, it has caused people trouble staying in the present moment. Living in the past and worrying about the future too much is never good. While there are essential life responsibilities that require the practical use of thinking about the future, doing it too much can cause bad anxiety. On the other hand, thinking about the past too much can cause depression. It helps to stay in the present moment to keep the mind calm and relaxed. One helpful way to stay in the present moment is by using reassuring phrases. Constantly saying to yourself phrases such as “Be still” and “Be present” are beneficial messages when it comes to staying in the here and now. Imagine having these messages on your body as a safe, temporary tattoo that will ensure that these sayings resonate with your thinking.

Wellness Magazine Master Club

Abundance & Gratitude

One of the most beneficial practices for maintaining a positive mindset revolves around showing gratitude for everything that one already has in one’s life and feeling abundant. That’s easier said than done. Most people, for whatever reason, do not feel like their life circumstances are ever ‘enough.’ What better way to allow oneself to show gratitude and feel abundant than a thoughtful message? However, even if one just types a message on a smartphone, one can’t always look at it. It helps to have a message on the body. What better way than to have a temporary tattoo from Conscious Ink’s ‘Abundance & Gratitude Tattoo Collection? With phrases like ‘Grateful’ and ‘Today is a Gift’ temporarily placed on your skin, you can feel good about yourself and your life no matter the circumstances.

Positive Affirmations

There is so much negativity in the world that it’s ridiculous. From political divisions to the showcasing of war, there is always something online or on television that will harm someone’s psyche. A positive mindset is reinforced by positive messages. To stay optimistic concerning upcoming life challenges, one must tell oneself in some way that everything will be ok. What better way to do this than with positive affirmations?  Positivity conquers negativity, especially with positive affirmations like “Believe” and “You Can Do This.” With a safely placed tattoo of this message, one can, with affirmations, permanently help oneself conquer various obstacles with confidence and optimism.

Big Shifts

Anytime a person needs to change their outlook on life, a ‘big shift’ in their perspective is necessary. This is certainly a challenge because most people have had a particular mindset for such an extended amount of time that it’s hard to switch gears. Certain words and phrases, however, can enable a significant change in their thought patterns. One needs to look at them consistently to make these words and phrases more effective in switching feelings and emotions. The easiest way to look at them consistently and ensure that you make a ‘Big Shift’ is to have a stylish, temporary tattoo. That way, the words or phrases become more ingrained into your psyche.

Purpose & Authenticity

When it comes to changing one’s mindset, there’s the underlying theme of determining one’s purpose and their true self. As with the change in thoughts and the feelings and emotions associated with them, the purpose of one’s life is reinforced via messaging. Conscious Ink Temporary Tattoos can guide you to the gateway to your true self.

Healing One’s Health

Believe it or not, temporary tattoos can be of great assistance to those suffering from various types of health issues, both mental and physical. Because positive words and phrases are meant to inspire confidence, optimism, and overall good feelings, it’s not unreasonable to think they can help with one’s mental health. Positive and inspirational quotes create helpful thoughts that then generate good feelings. This certainly allows for people who suffer from anxiety and depression. As mentioned, in the world that we live in today, it’s hard to stay in the present moment. This is a huge contributor to anxiety and depression. When one thinks of the past too much, they remain depressed. On the other hand, worry about the outcome of the future constantly often leads to anxiety. Powerful words and phrases can help offset anxiety and depression and help people stay in the moment more often.

When it comes to the care of one’s physical health, it is well-known that diet and exercise are two of the most significant key players. However, it is difficult for many people to stick to a consistent diet and exercise plan. It has been shown that motivational words and phrases can help them do this, though. As with any word or phrase, these work best if one can view them consistently. The best way to view them consistently is to have them safely placed on the skin. Anyone can do this with the various patterns available from Conscious Ink.

Conscious Ink

Conscious Ink is the first company ever to utilize temporary tattoos as a self-help tool to inspire, foster mindfulness, and support healing. Conscious Ink “Manifestation Tattoos,” were purposefully created to disrupt negative self-talk, promote affirming habits, support healing, and reprogram the subconscious mind. With over 650 styles to choose from, the tattoos feature empowering words, designs, inspiring quotes, and healing affirmations.

Keep Going

With the tattoo of the phrase, ‘Keep Going,’ available from Conscious Ink, one can improve one’s mood, energize oneself, and improve one’s self-esteem. It is safely placed on the skin and lasts about 3-7 days on average. Keep Going temporary tattoos are also waterproof.

People have preferences for the style and type of products they can purchase, and they also have personal likings for particular words or phrases. Some people may benefit more from self-worth phrases, while others may find they help themselves with positive affirmations. Conscious Ink takes this into account.

Actually, I Can

Are some of your thoughts blocking you from achieving your goals? Do you feel you don’t believe in your capabilities as much as you should? Start telling Yourself, ‘Actually, I Can’ with help from Conscious Ink. Each temporary tattoo is waterproof and lasts 3-7 days on average.

Permanent Help from Temporary Ink

Tattoos have become a part of life for many people in mainstream society. However, there are still some concerns regarding their safety. Also, despite the ever-growing popularity of tattoos, some people still have negative feelings towards them. Luckily, there is a type of tattoo that is safe, stylish, and beneficial to one’s thought process and ways of living. Conscious Ink carries temporary tattoos with inspirational words and phrases designed to help people feel good about themselves and the world. Whether it’s being inspired to follow your dreams or staying peaceful, Conscious Ink has got you covered LITERALLY!! You will experience a renewed sense of self. Act now. Get a safe tattoo for the safety of your mind!!









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