BeautySmell Good on the Outside to Help Everything on the Inside

Smell Good on the Outside to Help Everything on the Inside

Men love to smell good around others. It makes them more appealing to be around, whether in a casual or intimate setting. For years, colognes and body sprays of all kinds have been heavily advertised as the next best thing when it comes to male scents. Millions of men worldwide add a hint of these items to parts of their body before they go out on dates or are in settings where they are surrounded by a lot of people. During the height of the Covid pandemic, when people were staying home, they didn’t find the need to look or smell decent around others. However, now that people are not forced to be indoors, there’s no excuse for men not to address how they smell. Many of the types of colognes and body sprays that are made readily available to the public can help people smell better, but, unfortunately, that’s where it stops.

Although there are many different types of men’s fragrances on the shelves of stores, not only are they very expensive, but most of them do not contain the most natural ingredients. In fact, some of them are very toxic and cause harm to one’s skin and their inner health. After application, the components of some of these fragrances enter one’s body, interacting with one’s interior organs. Also, they can negatively affect others around them and the atmosphere. With so much access to different types of fragrances, men are in a no-win situation as they can’t spray something on their bodies that contains all-natural ingredients that can help aspects of both their physical and mental health. The skin is the largest organ of the body, which provides a protective shield against harmful elements of the outside world. In addition to keeping yourself smelling good, why not help your health and well-being all at the same time? However, since the market is so lacking in men’s fragrances that have this capability, you might be asking yourself, “How do I smell decent and help my body all at once?” St Johns Fragrance Company has the answer with its strong men’s fragrances that have just the right components to allow one to smell good and help various aspects of their overall health.

One of the key ingredients used by St Johns Fragrance Company to enhance the effectiveness of its products is bay leaf oil. The following is a list of the various benefits of this ingredient.

Helps Heal Wounds and Bodily Pains

A cherished aspect of bay leaf oil is how it helps heal wounds and bodily pains. When the body’s inflammatory rates are high, it is harder and more time-consuming to recover from wounds and infections that are inflicted on the skin, as well as arthritis and joint pain. Fortunately, bay leaf oil has great anti-inflammatory properties that help ease bodily pain and assist the body in recovering quickly and more easily from wounds and infections.

Helps Ease Digestive System

Believe it or not, when bay leaf oil is placed on the skin, it can absorb into the body and help with one’s digestive system. When one’s digestive tract is working properly, one feels better overall and has more energy in approaching daily tasks. In addition, people usually feel better emotionally with a healthy digestive system. It’s been said that there’s a messaging system that takes place between the gut and the brain. When one’s gut health is operating properly, a message is sent to the brain, which allows people to obtain a better state of mind. Conversely, when one is feeling better emotionally, a message is sent to the gut, which allows for a healthier digestive tract. Also, it’s essential to note that a healthy digestive system helps to boost one’s immune system.  Like the skin, the immune system provides a shield for the body against bacteria that can cause sickness. Therefore, it’s essential to keep it as strong as possible. Let’s face it! When you get sick, you get behind at work, and you miss out on the pleasures of life. Why not prevent the chances of becoming ill during this seasonal transition with something that will also help you smell good?


Vetiver is a tropical plant native to Asia that produces vetiver oil. Like bay leaf oil, vetiver not only helps the body smell good but also helps people stay calm and alert and have better quality sleep.

Staying Calm

In addition to being pleasant smelling, the aroma of vetiver also assists in relieving anxiety and helps people relax. Millions of people worldwide suffer from various degrees of anxiety and depression. Regardless of the specific cause of anxiety in individuals, the way in which people choose to treat it can make all the difference. Unfortunately, many people choose methods of treating anxiety that are not the healthiest or most efficient. When overly stressed, certain people choose to overeat, which only exasperates the problem by making one feel full and unpleasant. In addition, it causes one to put on unwanted weight. In worse cases, people have chosen to deal with anxiety by drinking alcohol to excess. The healthiest and safest way to soothe anxiety and help the body remain calm is with the assistance of healthy, natural ingredients. The soothing smell of vetiver can calm the mind and soothe the soil.

Wellness Magazine Master Club

Increases Alertness

Being able to concentrate and stay alert are qualities that many people seek. In the fast-paced world that we live in, there are so many tasks and responsibilities that one must fulfill that it’s almost ridiculous. Many people are in professions that require one to stay fully invested in the present moment to comprehend specific details of an assignment or task. When one has a family to care for, this only adds to the amount of attention that must be paid to responsibilities. Unfortunately, many people experience brain fog and have trouble staying focused on the most minute of things. When one inhales vetiver, it not only helps the way they breathe but also helps their brain stay as alert and as focused as possible, even during the most stressful and time-consuming of days.

Helps Improve Sleep

The calming effect of vetiver not only alleviates the symptoms of anxiety, but it also helps people sleep. Many people suffer from insomnia or have great difficulty falling asleep regularly. Unfortunately, like how many have gone about treating anxiety the wrong way, they have also attempted to obtain better sleep via unhealthy measures. Expensive, addictive, over-the-counter sleeping pills are sold regularly. These are both extremely habit-forming and cause great problems to one’s health. As with most bodily functions, it takes the helping hand of a natural ingredient to ensure that one gets a good night’s sleep. When one breathes in vetiver, it helps one’s body to relax and unwind and, therefore, be prepared to fall asleep and stay asleep. In addition, it should be noted that besides helping one fall asleep, vetiver also assists in specific aspects of sleep, such as the breathing that takes place when one is resting.

Improved Breathing Patterns of Sleep

As mentioned, the scent of vetiver greatly assists with one’s breathing patterns. This not only helps people stay calm and more alert, but it also helps with the breathing that takes place during sleep. Many people are hard sleepers and tend to snore heavily. For many, this is an embarrassment, especially if they have a room with other individuals or are going to be for a certain occasion. By breathing in vetiver, however, one can increase the quality of their exhalations while they slumber, which is especially helpful for those who may snore.

St Johns Fragrance Company

The history of St Johns Fragrance Company has its origins deep in the island culture of the Caribbean. Between their fragrance and their iconic, hand-woven palm frond bottles, they continue the traditions of the Caribbean culture today, providing a collection of distinctive men’s fragrances in a wealth of grooming products. Quality like that provided by St Johns Fragrance Company doesn’t come along often, so when it does, it’s best not to tamper with perfection.

St Johns Bay Rum®

St Johns Bay Rum® has a great reputation as it is regarded by most as a powerful aftershave cologne. Each bottle has a traditional blend of bay leaf oil and Caribbean spices. St Johns Bay Rum® is packed in their iconic Fishpot Weave® bottles.

As with any type of product, each individual man is going to have their personal preference when it comes to fragrances. It’s not a particular smell that they may prefer; it’s also the actual components contained within a scent. St Johns Fragrance Company takes everyone’s preferences in mind.

St Johns Vetiver Cologne

The magnificent smell of St Johns Vetiver Cologne provides people with an aroma like no other. Its ingredients have been known to help people stay calm and relaxed as well as assist them with sleeping better. If you want to smell good and feel good at the same time, you don’t want to leave yourself deprived of any of St Johns Vetiver Cologne.

What’s That Great Smell? It’s Something that Will Help Your Mind, Body, and Soul.

For years, men have sought to smell their best, whether in formal or casual settings. Colognes and fragrances of all kinds have been advertised and sold in stores. The problem, though, that men have encountered is that not only are most of these items expensive, but they also contain unnatural ingredients that can cause harm to one’s health and the outside world, for that matter. With all this longing to smell good, men have not only harmed their bodies, but they’ve lacked the types of ingredients that do more than just provide a scent. Luckily, St Johns Fragrance Company has just the right gateway to not only the best-smelling fragrances but also those that can help multiple aspects of one’s physical and mental health. They are also available at great prices. If you’re looking to not only feel good about how you smell but also help your body, mind, and soul, then look no further! You can finally smell good on the outside to help everything on the inside for once!!









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