ShapeWear Your Body on Your Sleeve

Wear Your Body on Your Sleeve

Exercising is a huge part of staying physically fit and healthy. When people exercise, though, their body perspires. Therefore, one must use deodorant for the sake of one’s hygiene and those around one. No one wants to be at a gym surrounded by somebody who smells terrible due to the odor that their body is giving off. In addition, no one wants to be around anyone who smells bad anywhere. Smelling good should always be a priority whether you are around people at the grocery store, your workplace, a place of worship, or just out and about. Besides deodorizing oneself properly, it’s just as essential to keep oneself comfortable, especially when physically active. When one wears durable clothing during exercise or physical activity, their body can adapt to the activities, which only adds to their confidence. Unfortunately, the problem that people still face when using deodorant or wearing comfortable clothing for activities is that the ingredients and fabrics that many of these items contain are not the most natural and can cause harm to one’s health and the environment.

Many of the deodorants made readily available at stores often contain either unnatural ingredients that don’t help one’s hygiene or smell or, in worst cases, toxic chemicals that can harm one’s inner health and the atmosphere around them. These types of products appeal to people because they are cheap and accessible. This factor also plays into the clothes that women and men commonly purchase for exercise or any type of physical activity. The fabrics that many of these types of clothing consist of cause discomfort and are not eco-friendly. Although people have become more aware of the types of ingredients contained within the products and clothing they put on their bodies, not only are there very few items with the most natural ingredients, but those that at least have some are very expensive and hard to find. Therefore, people have been at a loss as they can’t locate the best deodorants and activewear without going out of their way and having to splurge their bank accounts. Now, this loss is turning into a win with the help of Beyond Bodie’s deodorants and activewear, which provide the most natural ingredients that are equally friendly to the body and the environment. Also, the items from Beyond Bodie, besides being beneficial, are available at great prices!

Harmful Ingredients Found in Traditional Deodorants

It’s essential to discuss the harmful ingredients found in most of the on-the-market deodorants to realize what people have been doing to their bodies. Many of the traditional deodorants that are found on the market contain harmful ingredients such as aluminum and parabens. When worn frequently, aluminum-style fabrics can cause problems to one’s bones and cognitive abilities. Parabens are chemicals that can cause allergic reactions. This is especially harmful when applying a deodorant or skin product that contains them, as it often results in rashes and skin infections. Artificial fragrances that are added to deodorants can also be just as harmful.

Wellness Magazine Master Club

Natural Ingredients to Add to Deodorants

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil comes from, you guessed it, coconuts. It is a natural ingredient that does much to help deodorants. The antibacterial properties of coconut oil help to fight off the bacteria that cause odor. Even just putting coconut oil on the skin helps protect it against irritation and skin conditions. Coconut oil contains ingredients that help moisturize the skin and protect it from becoming overly dry and irritating. In addition, it contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help the skin heal appropriately from wounds and infections.


When it comes to protection for the skin, you can’t go wrong with beeswax. When applied to the skin as a deodorant or topical solution, beeswax creates a protective barrier that helps protect the skin from irritants and pollutants in the atmosphere. In addition, beeswax has the unique ability to allow one’s skin to moisturize without breaking out. The body naturally produces a certain degree of moisturization, which helps the skin stay hydrated. However, people reach a certain age when their skin does not hydrate as quickly. When this happens, people need a helping hand in the form of ingredients such as beeswax. The concern that people still have, though, is whether this moisturization will cause breakouts. Beeswax has the unique ability to hydrate the skin while also letting it breathe, preventing breakouts. The skin’s hydration is also essential to consider, even when using deodorant.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a very beneficial ingredient in deodorant. When it is applied to the skin, it absorbs various forms of moisture, including sweat. The armpits especially release sweat. Using the right deodorant with the proper amount of baking soda will trap sweat and keep one’s underarms dry. In addition to keeping one dry, this also helps eliminate odors that are caused by sweat. It’s also essential to note that baking soda is antimicrobial, which means it can go further than just keeping one’s armpits dry; it can fight bacteria that cause odors.

As mentioned, the types of deodorants and skin products you use on your body can make all the difference, as can the clothing you wear over your skin, especially during exercise and physical activity.

Benefits of Wearing Spandex

The suggestion to wear clothes made from spandex to work out or be physically active may sound cliché, but it has excellent benefits. When one wears spandex, their bodies are compressed, which helps keep one’s blood flowing. This constant blood flow is known for helping reduce bodily fatigue. By keeping bodily fatigue at bay, one can pursue their workouts or whatever physical activity they participate in with confidence and finesse. In addition, the compression that wearing spandex provides helps the body to recover from exercising or after performing strenuous activity.

Benefits of Wearing Nylon

One may not think of nylon as beneficial to working out or physically exerting oneself. However, nylon clothing is very durable, which makes it resistant to damage. In addition, nylon is very resistant to water. When people exercise, they are constantly moving their body parts in all different kinds of motions. If the clothing worn during this activity is not durable, it can break and tear, which also takes away from the workout’s effectiveness. Also, as mentioned, sweating takes place during physical activity. Since nylon is resistant to water, people can continue exerting themselves without sweating out their clothes to the point of discomfort. It’s also important to note that nylon is very resistant to heat. This contributes to a more comfortable feeling when moving the body around. The body is allowed to breathe; therefore, a workout or physical activity can be carried out confidently.

Beyond Bodie

Beyond Bodie contributes to enhancing overall health and rejuvenating youthfulness by pairing all-natural deodorant with Women’s Activewear. In an era where health and wellness are paramount, the demand for natural products and functional fitness attire continues to grow. Beyond Bodie aims to provide you with a satisfying, fragrant, and peaceful experience.


Unlike traditional deodorants and antiperspirants, Deodorant from Beyond Bodie does not contain harsh chemicals that can harm one’s health and the environment around them. It is handcrafted in small batches. This Deodorant contains: Coconut Oil, Beeswax, and Baking Soda.

As mentioned, wearing the right kind of clothes during physical activity is just as vital to one’s health and the environment. Unfortunately, not many types of clothing are available that are made of just the suitable materials to withstand strenuous workouts and laborious tasks. Like with the right kind of deodorant, Beyond Bodie has you covered for this as well.

Beyond Body Active Wear

Beyond Body Active Wear from Beyond Bodie consists ZipHer, Bodie Odie, and Cross My Heart clothing selections. They are all bra and leggings sets that are perfect for physical activity. Bodie Odie consists of nylon and spandex while ZipHer and Cross My Heart consist of nylon and elastane.

Start Wearing Helpful Products and Clothes Just the Same

Wearing deodorant is how we benefit our hygiene and fight off unpleasant odors that are accompanied by sweating. No one wants to be around a smelly or sweaty person. Whether it’s at the gym or in the office, it’s just an unpleasant scenario. However, many of the traditional types of deodorants made readily available to people have contained very harmful ingredients that have caused damage to people’s health and the environment. In addition to deodorants, the types of clothes people wear during physical activity also make a lot of difference. Like many deodorants, however, these types of clothes lack beneficial fabrics. Unfortunately, the rare deodorants with the most natural ingredients and durable workout clothes have been hard to find and very expensive. This has left people choosing to go out of their way and waste their money or resort to items that only cause them harm. Now, there’s no longer a difficult choice as Beyond Bodie has just what people need in the form of their all-natural deodorants and vital clothing made from the most helpful fabrics. It’s time to start wearing helpful products and clothes that are just the same. Wear your body on your sleeve!









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