Family HealthAntioxidants, free radicals, health and FullerLifeC60!

Antioxidants, free radicals, health and FullerLifeC60!

Have you ever watched a spy movie? You know, the kind with lots of action and massive explosions. Impossible scenarios are often overcome at insurmountable odds, especially by superheroes, here’s our take on a real-life superhero for our health, meet FullerLifeC60!

There is often a common theme among these movies. You generally have the hero spy working for some noble government agency. And the villain is often a person that once worked for this agency.

This villain, for whatever reason, power, corruption, or greed, has turned against his former employer, declaring war upon the principles he once upheld. These corrupted agents are often called “rogue”, meaning they have turned against the system.

A rogue agent is the worst. They know all the inside information and the ins and outs of the system. They can usually go undetected; the worst thing is, once they are corrupted, nothing can turn them back.

Just like a spy organization, our own bodies hold agents of good and rogue agents that can cause harm. However, the rogue agents within our bodies can be neutralized and made harmless. This takes the dedicated work of faithful agents.

And there are ways you can help these agents and boost their chances of success. First, let’s look at the agents who have turned harmful, these free radicals, and what they do.

Please stick with us, as this gets into a bit of science, but it’s essential to understanding what’s happening inside your body.

The rogue agents of the body.

Unstable atoms that can cause harm to the body are called free radicals. To understand what a free radical is and what it can do to your body, it’s best to brush up on some introductory chemistry.

Think about an atom as the center of a solar system. Around this atom are planets in orbit called electrons. Electrons orbit the atom in a shell, which is supposed to contain a set number of electrons for the atom to be stable.

If electrons are missing from one of the outer shells, this atom can bond with another atom. To complete their outer shell, these atoms react quickly with other atoms, stealing their electrons and causing havoc. This kind of atom is called a free radical.

Once oxygen molecules split into single atoms lacking paired electrons, they become unstable free radicals. They then begin seeking out other atoms or molecules to bond with. As this continues, a process begins which is called oxidative stress.

As oxidative stress continues, it can damage the body’s cells, lead to various diseases, and increase the symptoms of aging, such as wrinkles.

The damage of free radicals.

The free radical theory was first developed in 1956, so it has a long history with much research devoted to it.

As we age, our body’s natural defenses to free radicals begin to weaken. Thus, more free radicals accumulate in the body, leading to more oxidative stress. This leads to more damaged cells, degenerative processes, and “aging.”

Studies have connected oxidative stress from free radicals to the following conditions:

  • Central nervous system diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia
  • Cardiovascular diseases such as clogged arteries
  • Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and cancer
  • Age-related vision declines and cataracts
  • Diabetes
  • Genetic diseases such as Huntington’s disease and Parkinson’s
  • Age-related changes in appearance include wrinkles, graying hair, hair loss, and skin elasticity.

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Numerous studies have shown a correlation between age and the number of free radicals within our bodies. This can help explain why even though someone is completely healthy, they still show signs of aging. Our bodies just have trouble keeping up with all these rogue agents.

Exposure to certain elements has also been shown to increase the number of free radicals in the body. These include but are certainly not limited to:

  • Exposure to toxic chemicals (pesticides, air pollution, etc.)
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Fried foods

There have been considerable breakthroughs within research about free radical damage. And it points to ways that help clear excessive free radicals as we age.

Antioxidants clean out the garbage.

Found in berries, citrus fruits, soy products, and carrots, antioxidants can help prevent the nasty effects of free radicals. Antioxidants prevent the oxidation of other molecules by donating an electron to free radicals, thus making them stable atoms again.

They can lose these electrons and do not turn into free radicals. This makes antioxidants extraordinarily unique and valuable in eliminating free radicals in your body.

There are many types of antioxidants, and they all behave differently within the body. Some of the more common ones that you have undoubtedly heard of are:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Beta-carotene (found in carrots and other vegetables)

With the correct number of antioxidants counteracting the effects of free radicals, it may be possible to slow down the effects of time on our bodies.

Another type of antioxidant can penetrate the most minor parts of the cell and heal it at the smallest level.


In 1985 a discovery was made by scientists at Rice University in Texas. They discovered a molecule while breaking down graphite into its basic carbon structure. The graphite is vaporized, and the carbon left forms a molecule shaped like a soccer ball. This molecule is officially called Buckminsterfullerene, or for those who don’t want to use such a long name, it can be found throughout the Web as Carbon 60 or C60.

This discovery was groundbreaking, and in 1996 the scientists who worked on it received the Nobel Prize. You may think, “Well, that’s great and all, but why are you talking about it?” The answer to that question has everything to do with your longevity and quality of life.

Let’s investigate it.

It’s called C60 because 60 carbon atoms make up the soccer ball shape. After the Nobel Prize was awarded, there was still much work to be done studying this molecule. The main question was, “can it be safe for human consumption, and what are its benefits.”

C60 was continually researched, and in 2012 the landmark Baati Rat Study was released. The researchers were looking for C60’s effects on toxicity, oxidative stress, and longevity. In this study, the researchers found that C60’s powerful properties may help with a long list of issues:

  • Oxidative stress
  • Radiation protection
  • Sun damage and sunburn
  • Viral infections
  • Plaques in the brain (linked to Alzheimer’s disease)
  • Allergies
  • Enhancement of mental activity.

The research also found that C60 may stimulate the immune system against cancer and promote healthy hair growth.

This adds up to many benefits from one molecule. It blew researchers away, and they claimed C60 could be the most efficient material for longer life.

That is quite a statement about one little molecule. Let’s see how it works.

How C60 works

C60 is a powerful antioxidant.

C60 is the smallest known antioxidant; it can pass through cell membranes and into the mitochondria (our cell’s power station). It decreases oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

The health benefits of C60 have mainly been studied on animals. However, many documented findings are beginning to prove the effectiveness of C60.

Anti-inflammatory: C60 has been shown to reduce inflammation on the skin (such as in eczema) and in the joints to help alleviate symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Skincare: When used on the skin, the power of C60 has an anti-aging effect. It promotes clear, youthful skin, has been shown to protect against sunburn, and when applied to acne over a two-month trial, it lowered breakouts and plumped the skin.

Increased Energy: Since C60 helps your mitochondria in their energy production at the cellular level, it is no wonder that users of C60 note more energy and better metabolism.

Keeping a healthy weight: With its anti-inflammatory properties, which go hand-in-hand with weight gain, it’s no surprise that in an animal study, C60 helped to normalize body weight. Another group of researchers found that C60 may help weight loss by addressing metabolic issues and insulin resistance.

Immunity: C60 eliminates bacteria by boosting the number of white blood cells within the body.

Anti-aging: One of the most significant implications for C60 is its ability to increase lifespan. In the famous Baati Rat study mentioned above, researchers tested three different groups of rats, and the findings on lifespan are as follows for groups A, B, and C.

  • A received just water; median lifespan 22 months
  • B received only Olive Oil; median lifespan 26 mos.
  • C received C60 Olive Oil; median lifespan 42 mos.

Subjects receiving C60 increased their average lifespan by 90%.

So, as you can see, C60 is extremely powerful and promising in building your body’s defense against free radicals and the harm they can do to decrease lifespan.

For a long time, it was thought that suspending C60 in olive oil was the best way to deliver this potent antioxidant. However, one company has discovered a way to deliver C60 at a higher rate of absorption. Leading to some fantastic results for its users.


Excessive free radicals within the body have been implicated in over 100 human diseases. Give your body the best fighting chance against these rogue agents with FullerLifeC60.

**Special Offer – Limited Time Only!**

Most C60 on the market is crystalized C60 suspended in oil, which reduces the bioavailability of the C60. FullerLifeC60 is the only solubilized C60 available. And FullerLifeC60 is patented for its ability to be delivered in the body fully dissolved.

This form of C60 has an antioxidant value 300 times greater than Vitamin C and five times greater than curcumin.

Now that’s antioxidant power.

FullerLife C60 comes in a pocket-size pack with a month’s supply of thin breath mint strips that completely dissolve in your mouth.

It is shelf stable and convenient for those on the move.

And some of the testimonials are pretty impressive from FullerLifeC60 users. Here’s one from Aaron Baynes:

I heard about FullerLifeC60 back in June 2022. I was hesitant and didn’t buy it right away but did some research as I do with many things. I started taking it in July and I loved the ease of use by using a thin sheet that dissolves easily under your tongue with a great mint flavor. I have now been using the product for over 6 months and I know what things that it has helped with me personally. Overall I have more energy, less brain fog, fewer skin issues such as blemishes. As a painting contractor of 32 years I deal with some aches and pains. I have dealt with painter’s elbow(AKA tennis elbow) along with arthritic-type issues in my fingers, feet and knees. I no longer have to take anything for those issues as I took myself off of anything. Believe me, I have had issues with these things for 20 years and now I don’t have to take anything other than FullerLifeC60? This isn’t snake oil. C60 is a powerful antioxidant backed by a 1996 Nobel Prize of Science. If you are on the edge and not sure then I would say take my word on this and try it.

That sure speaks volumes to FullerLifeC60’s effectiveness. How about one more from Alicia Torok –

FullerLifeC60 is awesome. I love the energy it delivers. I travel often- I need an immunity boost and extra protection against viruses. I have been taking two per day and I feel great. Thank you for creating C60 in its most effective form – wow, what a difference it has made in my life. I will gift this to others…

It’s hard to say anything better about the results, however, there are plenty of other great testimonials about this effective product.

So, if you are looking for a way to boost your immune system and help your body fight the constant battle against rogue agents within, consider FullerLifeC60 and its unique patented delivery system.

See the difference it can make in your life, your health, and your well-being.

* In partnership with our friends at Fuller Life* Photo courtesy of Fuller Life
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
* The information available on, including text, graphics, and other materials is for informational purposes only. Reliance on any information in is at the user’s own risk. Sponsored product placement may appear in the article. The visitor of this website acknowledges that the information available on or through is not and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Copyright © 2023 Brawo Press, Inc. All rights reserved.









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