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This Protein Powder is Better Than Yours!

Protein shakes are rising in popularity for so many reasons - the lean protein with minimal extra carbs and fat allows you to build...

Beans, Beans. They’re Good for your Heart and Good for Everything Else Too!

Eat your beans and take care of everything!  You may have never been told this before.  However, did you know?  A certain type of...

Recover at Superhero Speed

Take your vitamins, and you will heal faster than ever before! This statement may sound too good to be true. Well, did you know?...

The Ultimate Superfood: The Mushroom

What is a Superfood?It goes without saying that some foods are healthier than others, yet no one food can fulfill all of our needs....

The Beauty of Homeopathy

Since ancient times, homeopathy has been utilized to treat patients. A significant portion of Indians rely on homeopathic medicine for their medical needs. Amazing...

