Eat WellHistory of Vitamins

History of Vitamins

Have you ever wondered what was in that multivitamin bottle you keep in your cabinet? not production or science, but history? This is the plot.

Many people are shocked to learn that the invention of vitamins, the most fundamental supplement that the majority of us take for granted, dates back more than a century. The majority of us believe that nutrient depletion in our food is a recent issue, yet this is just untrue. In fact, efforts to address that issue in the early 1900s resulted in the creation of the modern multivitamin. But first, scientists had to find the presence of the chemicals that are now known as vitamins.

More than 90% of Americans lack at least one vital vitamin or mineral, according to The Journal of Family Practice.

Protein, carbs, and fat were the only three acknowledged essential nutrients in meals at the start of the 20th century. Food was sterilized in order to remove bacteria, mildew, and poisons because it was believed that poor sanitation and hygiene were the cause of all diseases. To remove husks, additional grains were processed as well as rice. However, despite increasing shelf life, there were certain negative effects that weren’t known at the time.

Grain processing destroyed essential B vitamins and increased the prevalence of two of the era’s prevalent diseases: pellagra, a niacin deficiency characterized by sores and hallucinations, and beriberi, a vitamin B1 or thiamine deficiency characterized by nerve damage and the potential for paralysis. Children from wealthy homes were more likely to develop scurvy, symptoms like exhaustion and bleeding gums because heat sterilizing milk removed vitamin C. These tendencies were a mystery because they believed that they were the ones who had access to the “greatest” food.

The Discovery of Vitamins

Our knowledge of health and illness has greatly improved as a result of the discovery of vitamins. The term “vitamin” was initially created by Casimir Funk in 1912. Early in the nineteenth century and lasting until the middle of the twentieth century was the main period of discovery. Through the efforts and contributions of epidemiologists, doctors, physiologists, and chemists, the mystery surrounding each vitamin was answered. Instead of a fantastic tale of dazzling scientific discoveries, the truth was a steady, methodical advancement marked by setbacks, contradictions, refutations, and even a little deceit. When the germ hypothesis of disease predominated and dogma maintained that only four nutritious components were essential—proteins, carbs, lipids, and minerals—research on the vitamins that are associated with severe deficiency diseases got started.

Early Vitamin Products

Following the first discovery of vitamins, several products were developed, including Yeast Vitamine, Double Strength Yeast and Iron Concentrate, and Super Vitamins. They frequently contained “vitamin B” from yeast and several other substances (specific B vitamins had not yet been recognized).

The creation of Mastin’s Yeast Vitamin Tablets in 1916 marked the beginning of the modern vitamin supplement’s history. Its label stated: “This preparation contains vitamins together with other ingredients which should prove of value in helping to improve the appetite, aid digestion, correct constipation, clear the skin, increase energy, and, as a tonic, to assist in putting on weight in weakened, rundown conditions due to malnutrition.” It also contained iron, calcium, vitamins A, B, and C, as well as Nux vomica, a homeopathic remedy for heartburn.

The purchase of supplements by consumers upset the medical community. In a 1922 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, an article stated that “the promises made out on the labels of the medical qualities of these concoctions are extravagant and deceptive.”

Medical Recognition of Multivitamins

Despite the criticism, another medical magazine enthusiastically endorsed Metagen from Parke, Davis & Co., a well-known pharmaceutical company, in the same year (now part of Pfizer). According to a positive review in American Family Physician, the vitamins A, B, and C found in Metagen, which was sold to doctors to prescribe to patients, might enhance health for practically everyone, even infants and those with significant diseases of the day.

The article’s conclusion stated that the discovery of vitamins and the development of Metagen, the most readily available preparation of vitamins for use by doctors, are not only timely but of the utmost importance in their bearing upon the health and well-being of the populace. This is because of the radical change that has occurred over the accepted methods of preparing and supplying the food of the nation.

At about the same time, Casimir Funk’s supplement Oscodal received approval from the American Medical Association. The person who discovered vitamins also developed a method to turn cod liver oil, which has a bad taste, into sugar-coated pills, which include the vitamins A and D.

In 1922, advertisements for multivitamin-like products promised relief from acne, blackheads, boils, constipation, malnutrition, nervous deficiency, physical breakdown, brain fog, general sluggishness, run-down conditions, “loosen up the slime and accumulated bile and clean the system,” improved energy and digestion, and helped underweight, weak people put on weight.

The history of vitamins truly took off in the 1920s and 1930s when additional minerals were identified and more multivitamin-style products were made available. Benefits like “vim,” “vigour,” and “pep” were advertised. Although vitamin components were previously taken from food, techniques for synthesizing them in a lab were discovered in the late 1930s, which reduced costs and prepared the way for their widespread usage.

Many businesses still extract vitamins for their goods straight from food, even though many current multis, including those generally sold in drug shops, contain synthetic substances and artificial additives. For instance, MegaFood started producing vitamins from actual food in 1973, while other companies started employing components from plants much earlier.

A Nutritional Milestone with Recommended Dietary Allowances

One-third of American men who were drafted into the armed forces during World War II had infirmities that were linked to malnutrition. In response, the National Nutrition Conference for Defense was called by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941. The outcome was the first set of Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for six vitamins and two minerals, which were sponsored by the government. The first RDAs started to define the multivitamin as we know it today, even though more nutrients have been identified and added to the list since then. In 1943, One-A-Day made its debut. For the first time, according to Daniel Fabricant, Ph.D., CEO and President of the Natural Products Association, “we started to see the multivitamin as a kitchen-table product” at that point.

By the late 1950s, many multis were being marketed as being kept on the table next to the salt and pepper shakers and sold in apothecary-style bottles. The U.S. government has established regulations for a growing number of vitamins and minerals.

1941: Calcium, iron, vitamins A, B1, B2, and C.

Magnesium, vitamins E, B6, and B12, and more are introduced in subsequent years (1968).

Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, niacin, pyridoxine, biotin, B6, B7, B9, folic acid, cobalamin, calcium, chromium, copper, iodine, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, potassium, and chloride are all important today.

Modern Vitamin History

Linus Pauling and other scientists started to establish the advantages of megavitamin treatment in the 1960s, and by the 1970s, there were a lot of high-dose multivitamins on the market. In response, the FDA made an effort to control vitamins like prescription medications. The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, which established principles for governmental regulation of supplements, was passed into law in 1994 as a result of lobbying and legal actions in the decades that followed.

Multivitamins now contain additional nutrients and superfoods that have been found over time, and stringent standards guarantee product quality. Today, we have a wide range of options, including multivitamins manufactured with raw, food-based, only plant-based, non-GMO, gluten-free, soy-free, or other allergen-free components. Numerous items are created for various life phases, from infancy through childbirth, for older age groups, and for particular issues like heart health. Today’s “pills” of multivitamins are available as liquids, powders, chewables, and gummies.

Nutritional deficiencies persist after more than a century of research and development. Additionally, even while today’s nutritional deficiencies might not be severe enough to result in beriberi or pellagra, they nevertheless have an effect on our health. Even if they think they eat a healthy diet, most individuals are simply not obtaining the nutrients they require, according to Tieraona Low Dog, MD, author of Fortify Your Life. Therefore, vitamin supplementation is still necessary now just as it was back when these important nutritional components were first identified.

What Can Vitamin Supplements Do For You?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires being aware of your body’s signals and paying attention to them. You try your best to eat the correct nutrients to be energized and fed when it comes to nutrition. To complement the nutrients you obtain from food and get you one step closer to your wellness and health objectives, vitamins and supplements are available.

Vitamin Arc

With their premium natural supplements that offer your brain the push it needs to ramp up your creativity, memory, and motivation, Vitamin Arc helps you reach your full potential. Their selection of nootropic supplements is made to rev up your brainpower and clean your neurons of any lethargy. Your focus will be laser-focused on their products, and you’ll be able to beat fatigue. You’ll break through the mental haze and leave the opposition in a haze of inactivity.

Cordyceps Dual Extract 20:1

Have you experienced a decline in your energy? Does exhaustion prevent you from leading the life you wish to lead? This traditional Chinese medicine mushroom may hold the solution to your future problems.

The long-used traditional Chinese medicine compound cordyceps gives your diet an energy boost and has both physical and mental advantages. Aging, stress, and physical tiredness are some conditions that can lower energy levels, which in turn lower mood, creating a vicious cycle. Perhaps your mental acuity has waned and your strength seems to have lessened. Energy deficiencies are treated with cordyceps in a healthy, natural method.

Lion’s Mane Dual Extract 20:1

Do you feel as though your focus and mind are not as keen as they once were? This dietary supplement saves the day.

The #1 natural brain and focus-enhancing supplement in the world is presently Lions Mane, commonly known as Hericium erinaceus. Do you find it challenging to concentrate for long periods of time?

You’re forgetting things because your life has been too stressful. You struggle to retain all the new information at work or school, do you? Do you find it difficult to get started on big, significant projects or ideas? If you answered “yes” to any of the preceding questions, you ought to take this supplement seriously. Lion’s mane has risen to the top position among all-natural nootropics in recent years.

Worth a Deeper Thought

A strong immune system is a result of good eating. Your immune system depends on the foods you eat, and some nutrients are known to support your immune system.

It can be satisfying to commit to a new food routine or way of life, but you risk unwittingly removing vital vitamins and minerals. No of your dietary preferences, it can be difficult to receive all the nutrients you need each day through food alone. Supplements are a wonderful method to make sure that no matter what you eat on a daily basis, you’re constantly meeting your body’s needs.

* In partnership with our friends at Othind Healthcare AB.* Photo courtesy of Othind Healthcare AB
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
* The information available on, including text, graphics, and other materials is for informational purposes only. Reliance on any information in is at the user’s own risk. Sponsored product placement may appear in the article. The visitor of this website acknowledges that the information available on or through is not and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Copyright © 2023 Brawo Press, Inc. All rights reserved.









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