HealthHEALTH TRENDING NEWSThe Health Powers of Tea

The Health Powers of Tea

We are turning to tea more than ever at this time and thankfully we are spoilt for choice when we do! For centuries, ancient civilizations drank tea for its health and medicinal purposes as well as a chance to take a much-needed rest and switch off. And they were right to do so.

Tea has many astounding benefits for your health and well being. Tea isn’t just the box at the far end of your beverage cupboard anymore, it is right up there, front and center! Green teas are highly popular in the health world currently, and there are many to choose from. Green tea, in particular, is blessed with a host of goodies that can impact your well being from all avenues.

Going Green

Yes, Green tea is noted for its caffeine content but alongside it, it has a very high anti-oxidant quota that helps to balance, restore and recover your energy.

It is well documented that Green tea can help you ease certain conditions or act as a small preventative measure against a number of illnesses and diseases. Green tea may help to fight against toxins, aid in weight loss, boost your immune system and it has many anti-aging benefits too. It is a welcome change to coffee yet still able to give you the uplift that you need- just when you need it!

China’s Treasure

In many cultures, the simple act of making and brewing tea is a treasure in itself. Why not escape the hustle and bustle and take some time with tea?

Green tea tends to be far milder in both color and taste than the usual black tea many of us may have in our midst. Different types of tea grown in various parts of China can help you to regain that longed for the balance that is strived for. Essentially, not all green teas are the same. The end product of the tea depends on the tea leaves involved, where they were grown and picked and how they were processed. Always check for good quality and organic tea for the best health benefits!

Tealicious know all about tea, so naturally, we wanted to find out more! Tealicious Tea Company was established in 2001, they opened a retail store amid the Tri-Cities area when tea was far from the trending drink. Within the first 2 months, people were flocking to their store as they were so curious about the company and their teas!

“As the founder of the company and the Director of Tea Buying, I started to become aware of the poor-quality tea I was receiving. They contained more stock than tea leaves and the scent was very stale, not the type of tea that I had wanted. Many of the fruits and spices that were blended with the tea leaves, were flavorless, which confirmed the sources of where my tea was coming from was unpalatable.

I began to research organic and Fair-trade tea growers and quickly realized I wanted to be a part of that movement. Most tea farmlands are very small-scaled owners, who are vulnerable in comparison to the tea estate giants. They rely 100% on the revenue of their tea and also have to fight against the major commercial tea producers, which is usually an impossible task.

I found many up and coming tea growers who wanted only organically grown tea on their farms. We began sharing the same ideas, bringing their tea from the farms to the cup, and soon, the idea caught on”-Tealicious Tea Company

The Beauty and balance of Buying Fair Trade Products

Currently, there are approximately 177,000 tea farmers and 128,000 tea workers who participate in Fairtrade; this offers a more balanced structure as it increases their income, living, and educational expenses, through the tea supply chain, therefore allowing a better way of life. Also, it enables the hired workers to earn a living wage.

Tealicious Produce Great Tea, Every time!

Tealicious Tea Company only carries organic, Fair-trade and Kosher tea. Their range of tea does not contain any man-made additives! Tealicious have a range of teas to suit all palates. Here’s a closer look at two from their line up: Organic White Monkey Tea and Dragonwell.

White Monkey Tea

Tealicious Tea Company came across a unique tea grower in the Fujian Province who has truly learned the exact art of growing White Monkey tea, also known as “Bai Hou”. It is one of the best green teas produced by China with many health and medicinal benefits.

The personal hand care that is given to these bushes is amazing. For 10 months the bountiful rain feeds the soil and produces beautiful thick, long leaves mixed with lots of white buds. The white buds resemble a white-haired monkey’s paws- this is how this tea got its name!

It is often mistaken as a white tea due to its coloring and name; however, it makes a light green infusion. It is the perfect pick-me-up, the flavor can be mild when brewed for shorter periods or to heighten the depth of flavor, simply brew for a little longer! Slight nuances of honey characterize this fascinating tea; it really is a must for every tea lover.

After years of scientific research, it is concluded that white tea carries some of the most important health benefits possible. This is probably the most respected conclusion on the research along with it needing to only be taken in a liquid form, tea!

  • Rich in Antioxidants
  • May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease
  • Could Help You Lose Weight
  • Help Protect Your Teeth from Bacteria
  • Has Compounds That May Fight Cancer
  • May Lower the Risk of Insulin Resistance
  • Compounds in White Tea May Protect Against Osteoporosis
  • May Help Combat Skin Aging


Dragonwell Tea

Dragonwell tea which is also known in China as “Longjing”. It is grown in the area known as Longjing Village and still harvested through the traditional way, by hand.

This tea is the most delicate grown and it contains one of the highest antioxidant concentrations in green tea. A very long and flat-leaf produces a sweet, yet toasty aroma. Its flavor has a nutty and buttery texture with a pleasant, dry finish. Dragonwell Tea is a truly satisfying cup of tea that contains around half the amount (approx 50mg per cup) of caffeine you would get from a cup of coffee.

Dragonwell Tea has many benefits, here’s a few of them!

Most commercial tea exporters “mix” very little amount of authentic quality Dragonwell with other low-grade tea. You need to be aware of the color, shape, and smell of it so you can steer away from counterfeit ones. A good quality Dragonwell tea should be a clear, tender green color with yellow hints. Generally, the darker the Dragonwell appears, the lower the quality of the tea. 

“Start adding green tea to your diet today! A nice cup of tea always lifts your spirits and helps to get you back on track. And with so many great green tea health benefits, it’s no wonder that green tea is the #1 tea to drink!”- Tealicious Tea Company

* In partnership with our friends at Tealicious Tea Company  *Photos curtesy of Tealicious Tea Company

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