HealthThe Holobiome, the Environment, and Our Health

The Holobiome, the Environment, and Our Health

By Magnette Coetzer

The Microbiome

Have you heard of the “human microbiome”? Well, if you haven’t, you’re not alone. It’s only in the last 15 years or so that science has confirmed the importance of our microbiome when it comes to our health. But you definitely need to know if you’re serious about your health.   

To ensure you’re “in the know”, read on.

The human microbiome is composed of bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and archaea, which can be found in and on the skin, mouth, gut, and other body parts. When in balance, it is a mutualistic relationship, with both the organism and the host benefitting from the interaction. The microbiome helps to shape the environment, and the host’s organism, and in turn, the environment shapes the microbiome.

This microbiome plays a pivotal role in human health, affecting processes such as digestion, and metabolism. More importantly, it’s central to a functioning immune system. A healthy microbiome protects us from infection, toxins, and disease. In fact, 70% of our immunity is steered by our microbiome. 

The relationship between humans and their microbiomes is complex and dynamic.  

Understanding this relationship, and knowing how to support it can literally save your life.

The Hologenome

How does it work?

To understand how it works, and why it’s important, we need to grasp a new evolutionary theory that goes beyond the Darwinian theory of competition and natural selection of individual species. 

This new evolutionary theory is referred to as “the hologenome theory”. “Holo” refers to the whole. It postulates that the role of microorganisms in the evolution of animals and plants is fundamental. The host, plus all of its symbiotic microbiota is the unit of selection in evolution. The host, together with all its microbiota, is referred to as the holobiont.  

Genetic variation in the holobiont occurs either in the host, in the microbial symbiont, or in both. So, the genomes of the host and micro-organisms (together called the hologenome) can then be transmitted to offspring. Specific to the hologenome theory is the increase of existing microorganisms as well as the acquisition of new strains from the environment.

Wellness Magazine Master Club

A Superorganism?

So, are we dealing with a superorganism that’s perpetually in sync, reproducing, and evolving in partnership? 

Divergent scientific thought sees this relationship as more of a host-microbe symbiosis. It views it as an ecological community of organisms that encompasses a broad range of interactions, from parasitic to mutualistic, with varying patterns of transmission and interdependence.

Yet, both views agree that dynamic interaction is at the heart of the relationship between our microbiome and our bodies. So, how can we influence this relationship in a positive way that promotes our health, our appearance, and our well-being?   

We can ensure that we support our bodies and microbiome as best we can through good nutrition, regular exercise, and taking the right supplements.

The Skin Microbiome

Like the gut microbiome, the skin microbiome is seeded at birth. The first microbial colonists are there to help our system recognize and tolerate commensal organisms (which have a neutral or beneficial impact on their host) while remaining alert to invaders. These microbe colonies grow and diversify up until puberty when hormonal changes support the development of the final microbial composition, which is carried throughout adulthood. It’s only in the last decade or so that researchers have uncovered evidence of extensive communication between bacteria, skin cells, and immune cells. These interactions help to reinforce and repair the barrier formed by the skin, bolster the body’s defenses against infection and clamp down on excessive inflammation.

Since our immune systems are steered by our microbiome which makes up 70% of our immune system, looking after our immune systems is crucial to our health and well-being. 

Your skin microbiome is really important to your overall health and your youthful and attractive appearance. To look after your skin, and immune system and help reduce the harm of environmental toxins and stress, you must eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as fermented foods. These foods support your gut’s microbiome, which, in turn, supports your skin’s microbiome. See the connection?

It’s also important that you exercise regularly and practice some form of mindfulness. 


Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and noticing your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judging them.

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and noticing your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judging them. 

This practice has a direct and measurable effect on your nervous system, which directly influences your immune system. So, once again, it’s all about connection.

For the Biome™

For the Biome embraces the concept that the greater environment, together with nature’s 5 kingdoms, forms one integrated system. It’s ALL interconnected. 

It follows that the key to good health, good looks, well-being, and absolutely thriving, is nurturing that connection. To boost and restore a healthy balance, connection, and flow, we utilize Mother Nature’s gifts: microbes, botanicals, algae, and mushrooms. 

Using these correctly, in the correct dosages and combinations, can change our lives for the better and we have the science to prove it. Looking after our immunity is the perfect starting point. For the Biome’s product, Immune Therapy Cistus+ Infusion utilizes the gifts from Mother Nature’s plant kingdom.


Immune Therapy Cistus+ Infusion 

Why an infusion?  

· Your mouth is a gateway to your immune system.   

· It bathes your mouth with key phytoactives while capsules pass right by.  

· Quick absorption, rapid response to immune threats when you need it most. 

For the Biome goes beyond using borrowed research and substantiates their formulations themselves, proving synergy and efficacy.

“The clinical results showed that in 1-2 hours, the participants’ immune systems had: improved cellular communication, and both increased surveillance and alertness.”

— Dr. Gitte Jensen

Ph.D., Immunology, Founder & Research Director at NIS Labs

The 5 Kingdoms

For a complete holistic understanding of how we, as humans, interact with our microbiomes, we need to also understand how the holobiont, in turn, interacts with our greater environment. We need to zoom out from the micro view to the macro, so we can appreciate the interdependence of all the five kingdoms on our planet.  

The five kingdoms refer to the five separate lines of evolutionary descent that make up the living world. Before modern biologists in the late 20th century redefined the kingdoms into 5 separate evolutionary strands, we accepted the two-kingdom animal-plant distinction. Since then, the sub-division of bacteria has led to 6-kingdom and 7-kingdom classifications. However, for simplicity, these kingdoms are broadly organized into 5 types of life forms.

This is pretty mind-blowing, especially if we didn’t know. But, how could we not have known this? Well, the truth is that these are relatively recent developments in biology. We don’t necessarily know about it because we weren’t taught about these developments at school. A vast number of us are still operating on the simplified 2-tier distinction of life into plants and animals.

The five kingdoms are:

· Bacteria

· Fungi

· Animals

· Plants

· Algae 

These five kingdoms interact dynamically and are fully interdependent. A truly holistic approach takes all of these kingdoms and the environment into account. Our cells and the micro-organisms we carry, interact with and are influenced by, all five kingdoms as well as the environment. 

Amazingly, we probably haven’t considered this dynamic relationship, and its importance, when it comes to our health, our well-being, and the products we use. So, now that we know how important it is, we can leverage this knowledge to our advantage.

The Environment

Our modern living environment is often a cornucopia of toxins and chemicals. Some of these chemicals are endocrine-disrupting chemicals or EDCs.

EDCs can come from a variety of sources, including industrial chemicals, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals. They are found in water and air, as well as in consumer products like plastics, cosmetics, and food. Some EDCs can mimic or block the action of naturally-produced hormones, thus disrupting the body’s natural hormone balance. This can lead to various health problems, including infertility, cancer, birth defects, and metabolic disorders.

To protect our health, it is important to limit our exposure to EDCs. The most effective way to do this is to live in a natural environment, away from all pollutants. However, since the majority of us live in cities and towns and we use commercially-manufactured products, EDCs are not easy to avoid completely. 

We can, however, reduce the use of products and materials that contain EDCs, such as certain plastics, cosmetics, supplements, and pesticides. It is also important to be aware of the origin and sources of our food. Purchase organic, locally-sourced produce whenever possible. 


Some stress is natural. It’s the physical and mental reaction to our everyday life and experience. However, long-term or chronic stress harms your physical and mental health. It can cause anything from headaches to digestive problems, sleep disruption, depression, anxiety, thyroid disorders, and auto-immune diseases. To combat the effects of stress, it’s important to identify your stressors and find healthy ways to cope with them. This could include exercising, spending time in nature, yoga, meditating, talking to friends or a therapist, or journaling.

We can also ensure that our nutrition includes all the vitamins and minerals we need to be as stress-resistant as possible. Natural, organic food, herbal teas, and infusions help to reduce our overall stress levels. Be sure it’s the right product, with the right, natural ingredients, at the correct dosage. It’s not simple to know exactly how to combine the right ingredients. So, to make life easy, For the Biome’s™ stress therapy, 7-flower infusion is an excellent and scientifically-proven product that you can use. You can rest assured that you’re treating yourself to the best, organic anti-stress ingredients.

™ Stress Therapy 7-Flower Infusion 

Clinically Proven 

 One serving of Stress Therapy daily significantly improves:  

· Adaptability to stress

· Emotional strength

· Clarity of mind

· Focus

· Sustained energy

· Well-being

For the Biome™nurtures and supports the relationship between your body, your microbiome, and the planet, creating products that are not only effective but also provide a genuine sense of connection. All the ingredients honor the beauty of the relationship between the body and its microbiome and the environment.

Embrace this interconnection by using products that truly honor the relationship between the mind, the body, its microbiome, and ultimately, the entire planet.









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