HealthWhat Does Magnesium Do For You?

What Does Magnesium Do For You?

Magnesium is a necessary mineral that your body cannot produce on its own, therefore you must get it through food. Magnesium is an essential mineral that must be consumed in adequate levels each day since it is necessary for vital processes like DNA synthesis, blood pressure maintenance, muscular contraction, and blood sugar regulation. Although there are numerous foods that contain magnesium, such as beans, vegetables, and seeds, the majority of people’s diets are too low in magnesium, which has a number of detrimental effects on health. A simple method to enhance your intake of this crucial mineral is by taking a magnesium supplement. Moreover, magnesium supplements may improve health in a number of ways, including decreasing blood sugar and enhancing sleep. Magnesium is a mineral that your body needs in order to be healthy and carry out essential tasks. If a person’s diet isn’t providing them with enough magnesium, using magnesium supplements may be a good solution. Also connected to various health advantages is supplementing with more magnesium.

Health Benefits of Magnesium

Maintaining optimal magnesium levels is crucial for healthy blood sugar management since magnesium is required for insulin secretion and carbohydrate metabolism. Due to the increased urinary magnesium excretion brought on by high blood sugar, people with prediabetes and diabetes are more prone to experience low magnesium levels. Those with diabetes may need magnesium supplements to maintain optimal magnesium levels. According to a 2021 evaluation of 25 studies, magnesium supplements significantly increased insulin sensitivity and decreased fasting blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes and those at high risk for developing the disease when compared to placebo treatments.

Magne Spa

Furthermore, research indicates that patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes tend to have better blood sugar management when their blood magnesium levels are higher than when their blood magnesium levels are lower.

Magnesium is crucial for your body’s reaction to stress. Your capacity to manage stress may suffer if you are not consuming enough magnesium. In actuality, studies reveal that those who experience regular stress have lower blood levels of magnesium than those who don’t frequently experience stress. Also, taking magnesium supplements may help with the symptoms of diseases like anxiety and sadness that are prominent in the mental health community.

In contrast to a placebo group, daily supplementation with 248 milligrams of magnesium chloride for six weeks significantly reduced the symptoms of sadness and anxiety in 112 depressed participants, according to a 2017 study. Up to 60% of the magnesium that is stored in your body is found in your bones. Insufficient magnesium intake reduces the activity of osteoblasts, which build bone tissue, while increasing the activity of osteoclasts, which tear down bone. Magnesium is also essential for the digestion and metabolism of vitamin D, an essential nutrient for the health of the skeleton.

Bone diseases including osteopenia and osteoporosis are more likely to develop in people with low blood levels of magnesium. Thankfully, research indicates that taking magnesium supplements can increase bone mineral density and lower the risk of fracture.

Magnesium helps control inflammation, improves blood flow in the brain, and is essential for healthy nerve function. Regular headache sufferers, including those who get migraines, typically have lower levels of magnesium in their blood. In fact, a lack of magnesium is thought to be a separate risk factor for migraines.

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Many actions involving magnesium are important for maintaining appropriate blood pressure control. For instance, magnesium encourages the release of nitric oxide, a signaling molecule. Nitric oxide aids in blood vessel relaxation, which is crucial for preserving a normal blood pressure level. It can help lower your chance of having high blood pressure to consume the recommended quantities of magnesium through your diet. According to studies, patients with high blood pressure who take magnesium supplements may experience a reduction in both their systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Nevertheless, a 2021 analysis of 49 research found that to effectively lower blood pressure levels in persons with untreated hypertension, substantial supplemental doses containing at least 600 milligrams of magnesium daily may be necessary.

Are You At Risk of Being Magnesium Deficient?

Who is most at risk of having too little magnesium? Not everyone has the same ability to metabolize and assimilate magnesium, according to the National Institute of Health. In actuality, certain individuals are predisposed to having a magnesium deficit.

Magnesium insufficiency, or the inability to absorb this vital mineral, can be inherited genetically. However, a diet deficient in foods high in magnesium or even emotional or occupational stress can deplete the body of magnesium. A lack of magnesium can cause a variety of adverse effects, including migraines, diabetes, exhaustion, and more, whether it is genetic, caused by a poor diet, or even brought on by stress. Those who are at risk of magnesium deficiency fall into four major categories.

Those that experience digestive issues: Indeed, the belly is where it all begins. Issues including celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, and regional enteritis all have a propensity to result in magnesium insufficiency since the majority of magnesium is absorbed in the small intestine. Also, those who choose to have procedures on the gut, including the resection or bypass of the small intestines, put themselves at risk for magnesium shortage. Type II diabetics fall into the second category. Type II diabetics and those with insulin resistance are known to have difficulty absorbing magnesium properly, in part because of increased urine. For some people, reducing kidney glucose levels naturally through dietary adjustments can be quite beneficial. For a combination of the aforementioned causes, magnesium insufficiency frequently affects alcoholics. Alcohol may be thought of as a “antinutrient” for the sake of simplicity in comprehending this. It hinders the normal absorption and use of the vitamins and minerals that you eat by practically sucking the nutrients out of your cells. For the majority of individuals, consuming one to two glasses of wine each week is OK, but anything more than that is quite hard on your liver. Since it promotes dehydration, gut floral imbalance, immune system weakness, disrupted sleep habits, and rapid aging, alcohol can also deplete the minerals in your body. For several reasons, as people age their magnesium levels drop. The elderly simply don’t consume as many foods high in magnesium as they did when they were younger, according to research. It is not difficult to fix this. Yet, the unavoidable danger factor is that as we age, we naturally suffer decreased intestinal absorption of magnesium, decreased bone reserves of magnesium, and increased urine loss.

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

It turns out that leg cramps can be much worse than just a pain in the behind. Researchers have shown that magnesium insufficiency is frequently to blame because of magnesium’s function in neuromuscular signals and muscle contraction. Lack of magnesium frequently precedes sleep disturbances including anxiety, hyperactivity, and restlessness. According to some theories, this is because magnesium is necessary for GABA’s proper operation. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that is known to “cool” the brain and encourage relaxation. The optimum time of day to take the supplement is right before bed or with supper, which is about 400 mg of magnesium. Moreover, including meals high in magnesium during supper, such as nutrient-dense spinach, may be helpful. Along with calcium, magnesium supports healthy blood pressure and safeguards the heart. Because of this, people who are magnesium deficient are frequently also low in calcium and have a propensity for hypertension or high blood pressure. A diet rich in foods containing magnesium has been shown to lower the incidence of stroke by 8%, according to a research with 241,378 individuals that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. This is significant in light of the fact that 50% of ischemic strokes worldwide are caused by hypertension.

Why You Need To Know About MG12

Mg12 is a family-owned, faith-filled business committed to sharing the amazing healing properties of magnesium. Their handmade magnesium products combine magnesium with high-quality essential oils and herbs to quickly and effectively improve health and well-being. They make their handmade transdermal magnesium products because they know they work! They are all walking testimonials of their effectiveness!

They began when their founder, Tom Strader, was preparing for spinal surgery after many years of working in construction had left him with debilitating pain from degenerative disc disease. A friend suggested he try topical magnesium for pain relief. After four weeks, Tom’s pain subsided to the point that surgery was no longer necessary. He believed in the products he used so much; he bought the small company making them! Tom’s personal healing was the catalyst for researching the healing properties of magnesium in combination with other minerals and essential oils to create natural and highly effective topical magnesium products to help others facing the struggles of chronic pain as he had. He is just one of the hundreds of testimonials! Since 2006, Mg12’s mission has been to reduce pain and suffering caused by the lack of the “Master Mineral,” Magnesium. They believe in educating others about the healing benefits of this ancient mineral which is critical to the health and well-being of us all. Their commitment is to positively impact the wellness journey of their customers and their families with each topical Magnesium product sold.

MagneHemp Max Body Balm

Magne Spa

Wellness Magazine Master Club

Full Spectrum Hemp Extract has been added to their same potent plant botanical and essential oil compositions that are based on magnesium. This potent all-natural combination aids in giving relief from aches and pains, reduces inflammation, soothes sore and achy joints, and calms cramping muscles. ​​Full-spectrum CBD is thought to have the maximum potency because it contains a variety of cannabinoids. It does contain extremely small levels of THC, but beneath the legal limit of 0.3%. Their MagneHemp Max solutions provide the most effective magnesium and CBD topical treatment available.

MagneSpa Bar Soap

Magne Spa

Wellness Magazine Master Club

Their MagneSpa Soap Bars, which clean your body softly and effectively, are available with a variety of essential oils, and scents. These soaps have a moisturizing feel and are gentle on all skin types. Magnesium is incorporated for a therapeutic touch that helps with a variety of skin problems. Your skin is also intensely nourished, becoming incredibly smooth and silky as a result.


Around 300 enzyme processes in the human body involve magnesium, making it a vital element. Among its various roles are boosting the immune system, controlling blood pressure, and assisting with muscle and nerve function. A typical adult’s body has about 25 grams (g) of magnesium, of which the skeletal system retains 50–60%. Muscle, soft tissues, and body fluids contain the remainder. Despite the fact that shortage symptoms are uncommon in otherwise healthy persons, many Americans do not get enough magnesium in their diets. People should strive to reach their daily prescribed levels of magnesium because doctors associate magnesium insufficiency with a number of health issues.

* In partnership with our friends at MG12*  Photo courtesy of MG12
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
* The information available on, including text, graphics, and other materials is for informational purposes only. Reliance on any information in is at the user’s own risk. Sponsored product placement may appear in the article. The visitor of this website acknowledges that the information available on or through is not and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Copyright © 2023 Brawo Press, Inc. All rights reserved.









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