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It’s Sweeping the World, And it’s Called Bone Broth

It’s the easy way to eat healthily and stay young.  It’s called using bone broth.  Yes, it’s very true, and it’s important for you...

Spray it On, and Don’t Get Sick!

Have you ever been told to spray something on yourself to help you feel good?  You’ve probably already been told to inhale this or...

Putting Oil in your Hair Prevents Hair Loss

Put oil in your hair to prevent hair loss!!!  That may not sound like a comforting phrase at first.  However, it should be!  Regardless...

New Years Collagen Resolutions

Get healthier and feel better in the new year with collagen. Yes, I did say collagen. You might think of collagen as something that makes lips...

Power Your Brain, Power Your Life!

Your brain powers your whole life.  The brain is something you should never take for granted.  It has a huge effect on everything...

