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How to Prevent Common Skin Infections at the Gym
As more people flock to the gym for their New Year’s resolutions, dermatologists from the American Academy of Dermatology are offering words of caution...
7 Tactics to Help You Maintain Your Body. Total Wellness How to Start –...
The colder months are the easiest time of the year to fall off the fitness wagon. Here, fitness, nutrition, and weight loss expert Warren Honeycutt...
3 Reasons To Avoid – Or Delay – Knee-Replacement Surgery
Hitting your 50s or 60s can bring several life changes, and increasingly those include artificial joints. For much of the aging U.S. population, knees,...
Pilates, a good foundation for kids
As a child, Joseph Pilates was weak and sickly. He was determined to strengthen his body and make it well, so he developed a...
Chosen for you
Sports Injury Statistics Suggest: Golf is More Dangerous than Rugby
Golf is generally considered a low-risk injury sport which is enjoyed by an estimated 60 million people worldwide. The statistics, however, reveal that injuries...
If you’ve ever worked your body to the point of feeling like your muscles are on fire, then you’ve experienced lactic acid build up.
30 short minutes to a healthier and happier new you!
2023 is peeking round the corner and so it’s a great time to look at ways to improve your fitness routine or infuse some...
Join the Revolution of Health
People have been using supplements for years, and the numbers keep getting bigger as time passes. While diet and exercise are important to health,...